I can’t wait for this!
Woah, that’s a great trailer there
And the chicken sandwich joke
Oh boy, I can’t wait for this! I’m ready!
Maybe I’ll finally understand baseball
Well Slamed taught me wrestling so maybe this will do the same. XD
it’s time to binge watch oofuri (again) to get to the baseball mood , finally, something to play this month
I’m not sure if it’s appropriate to ask here but will there be any ROs in this? Or do I have to wait and find out for myself? Lol
There are. It’s not a big part of it though.
Looking forward to this release, it is a great title that feels unique but also very much like an old-school CoG offering. Finding out that the author was a hardcore Braves fan is just icing on the cake. Feel bad, though; based on his age, he was too young to catch them at their best. The Braves have been in Atlanta for all or part of six decades. They have been strong for exactly one, and that was the 90’s.
They are still the only team to break through the powerful miasma of choke which surrounds all Atlanta professional sports teams and win a championship, though. If only because they played a team from a city almost as cursed as we are.
In any case, warm up your arm and give this game a few innings. You’lol likely be glad you did.
Oh believe me, the reason why I’m so hyped for this game is because I love baseball. Go White Sox so I know the pain that Atlanta felt after watching both the Cubs and White Sox ever since the late 90’s. Of course both of them ended up winning a World Series a decade apart but still…
But I’m very happy to see another sports themed COG coming up shortly.
I’m a Detroit Tigers fans for just over 2 decades & my dad was a Cleveland Indians fan for 3 decades still is. I’m getting this game.
Do we have to be familiar with baseball? Unfortunately, my country is more into basketball so I don’t have knowledge about baseball. =/ Though I am glad and surprise that the author include my country in the list which team I played in the little leagues.
Wich might that be Resuri?
Sees this is about baseball
… Ehh…
Remembers SLAMMED! was a thing that I loved immensely
… Okay. XD
After reading this interview, I just want to play jikkyou power pros 2008 again. That was a really fun game.
With that said, I am really hyped for this game.
Please tell me there are more than the three pitch types mentioned!!! As a former high school pitcher, my repertoire was fastball, changeup, slider and screwball and I had teammates that specialized in sinkers, split-finger fastballs, and cutters. That doesn’t even include knuckleball pitchers that are truly a breed of their own.
Also will we be allowed to doctor the pitch with pinetar, spit or other foreign substances?
I’ve never played or seen anybody play baseball (it isn’t popular in my country too) so I’m not sure if I’ll understand the game. Do you need any sort of knowledge about it?
There are more than three pitches
No, you don’t really need to know about baseball to play the game. But baseball also a pretty simple game to learn the basics of.
How many pitches did he pitch to convince you guys to have there be several different pitches?