College Tennis: Origin Story (WIP) - Updated 7 Nov '24 [621k words]

Have I been brought out of hiding by the promise of gay enemies to lovers tennis romance? Have I been purposefully customizing my character to be Rayyan’s opposite? Am I playing this game despite knowing almost nothing about tennis, being extremely bad at it the few times I’ve played, and being the least sportsy person to ever walk the earth?



@QuixquillianParadise Hahaha hello there!! Am I grinning from ear to ear after reading your comment? Did it absolutely make my day? Am I writing Rayyan to tickle my own itch?

Most definitely.

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Loving the story still post update. Loving the tennis team banter. Everyone has their own unique personality. A cousin of my BFF actually plays tennis ,so it’s been interesting hearing about her own experiences .Sam and the MC’s friendship and close bond is exactly like the 1 I share with my BFF . Waiting in anticipation for the next update. :blush::blush::heart:


Aww thanks for leaving a message, it’s always nice to hear from you! :slight_smile: It’s so cool that you get to talk to your cousin’s BFF about her experience playing tennis!

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For sure ,to hear from someone actually playing the sport as a career ,nothing beats that.

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Should I post comments about typos etc, like we do for other demo WIP’s? Found found two.

The first one, during the description of upperclassman Lee where make became “amke” and after my MC introduces himself, ur teammates is typed twice. But that’s not much compared to a few other demos I’ve come across where every 2nd word is a typo. It happens. I write too so I know about that .

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@cassandra_ryan Ahh thanks for helping me catch the typos, appreciate it :slight_smile:

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No problem :blush: :relaxed:

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I really liked this demo! I don’t play tennis but my sister does and she’s obsessed with this game now. The team is also great (especially Tobin :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:), I really love team dynamics and games that actually take time to develop the side characters so I really liked the dinner scene. Looking forward to more!

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@ghostobi Wow amazing! Love that both you and your sister are playing the game haha. So glad that you enjoy the character development so far as well - I was a little concerned that it would be too much dead time, but I also really love when a game’s side characters are fleshed out :slight_smile:

[Sorry, I realise I accidentally linked the reply wrongly :joy:]


Another typo I had missed here. Credit my bff for noticing it.

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This was a nice update! Just noticed a few small typos/errors:


Sam’s pronouns were female in my playthrough, but here they appeared male.

A space between the full-stop and the double quote.

There should be a double quote before we’re.


@UnknownCharacter Thank you for taking the time to pick up those errors! Appreciate the help, and glad you liked the update! :slight_smile:


EDIT: Bug fixed (24/12/21)!

Hey everyone!

Bug Alert: I’m having some issues superseding the wrong choicescript stats file I uploaded by accident. In short, I can’t seem to replace the file with the correct one - still troubleshooting and will update again once I’ve gotten it fixed. For now, clicking on the stats screen will result in an error.


Hiii! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I think I found a pronoun error (so sorry if it has already been mentioned, but I couldn’t find any mention)

Loving it so far! You have a very smooth and entertaining way of writing :heart: (And I don’t feel lost despite knowing nothing about tennis!)

Ps. i’m already struggling with choosing between the friends-to-lovers and rivals-to-lovers :laughing: :+1:


OH MY! @Doriana-Gray Helloo I’m so honored!! :heart: Your writing is hands down one of the best, wry, elegant and… -I guess period-fitting, for lack of a better word(?)- that I’ve come across in IF, apart from @Gower. So needless to say I’m really thrilled that you liked the writing in this :slight_smile:

Heheee if folks are torn between RO tracks… it means we’re doing something right, right? :wink:

Thanks also for catching the pronoun error!


Loving this so far. Always been a fan of tennis even though I never really got in to playing it myself, so this is a nice surprise… and romance too? Sold.
Also, can’t wait to meet Genevieve, sounds like a very interesting and charming character :wink:

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@Mercz94 aww thank you!! so excited that you like the game so far, and I’m looking forward to introducing G as well! :slight_smile:

Am in a little bit of a pickle: Do people prefer getting to play the tennis challenge match this month (which has become more long/complex than I expected) or waiting to play the party content with the challenge match whenever I’m done with that?

  • Just the challenge match this month, and the party content whenever
  • The challenge match and the party content together, whenever that may be

0 voters


Very good so far. Really excited about it.
Having said that, Sam does get referred to as He , in some places despite choosing their gender as female.
And Emerson is referred to as number 5 seed at end of demo , but number 4 at team Roster


@Vlad Awesome, thank you, glad you’re enjoying it! Got it - will scrub through Sam’s pronouns again, I sometimes input the gender of your teammates in instead of sam’s gender because typing ${team_he} ${team_him} ${team_his} in place of gender pronouns has become almost second nature now :joy:

Ah! For Emerson’s rank… thanks for the catch. I was torn between whether to make MC 4th or 5th upon beating Emerson (i.e. how good should they be right from the get-go?) Anyone who has strong opinions can let me know, but otherwise I think Emerson will be number 4.