Yeah, for reading “pages” of text I like the similarity to an ebook that ChoiceScript has: I’ve had to give up on a lot of Twine games even on a computer browser because they are so difficult to physically focus on, because of the colours or simply that there’s too much text crammed on a page (and I don’t even have particular issues with my eyes! I’m sure it must be a lot worse for others).
I may be misunderstanding, but the official documentation covers what’s needed to make a game which was how I learned to use ChoiceScript and has been expanded in more recent years. Nowadays there’s also the ChoiceScript Wiki, Lynnea Glasser’s interactive tutorial, not to mention CSIDE which a lot of people find more intuitive than writing in text files, and CSLIB which is a bit arcane to me but I’d love to get more into. Between all of that, there’s genuinely a lot of information available.
A lot of the issues I see arise from people running into either arise from trying to run before they can walk (I am talking about myself here too), trying to make ChoiceScript do something it’s not designed for (ditto, though for other script systems), or not running QuickTest and RandomTest regularly or at all.
Even as someone who has made some code templates in my time, I am not sure that a “how to make a system for hitpoints/an inventory/a maze puzzle etc” tutorial is as much benefit as getting a solid understanding of the basics: once someone is confident using variables and conditional text, and probably *gosub
s plus testing their game to make sure those elements work, doing something like making an inventory or a combat system isn’t so complicated, and that knowledge can be more easily applied to other parts of the game.
All of that said, where features/techniques aren’t covered by the various links above, I would potentially be interested in creating a tutorial or a basic game. But part of the nature of making these games is that people have different approaches that suit them best and different coding feels more or less intuitive. Figuring out what’s right for you individually is something where you just have to… well, do it in order to do it.