Coding problems

“No selectable options” Random test says this, but there are selectable options.

	*disable_reuse #Tell.
		*goto tell_them
	*disable_reuse #Steal.
		*goto not_steal
	*selectable_if (defend_stand) #Defend Ross.
		*set rosalia + 5
		*set defend_stand false
		*goto defend_ross
	*selectable_if (defend_stand) #Agree with Blake.
		*set rosalia - 5
		*set defend_stand false
		*goto agree_ross
	#Ask to be excused.
		*goto better_go

I have no clue why? I even change the temp vars into global vars. Any idea please? :-/

why are you using *disable_reuse? you use that when you want to go back to where you were before: example

*label gamer
Hello, you say…
…*disable_reuse #Tell.
…*goto gamer
…*disable_reuse #Steal.
…*goto gamer
…*selectable_if (defend_stand) #Defend Ross.
…*set rosalia + 5
…*set defend_stand false
…*goto defend_ross
…*selectable_if (defend_stand) #Agree with Blake.
…*set rosalia - 5
…*set defend_stand false
…*goto agree_ross
#Ask to be excused.
…*goto better_go

Because you do go back to those questions. Still says “No selectable options” even if I remove the disable_reuse thing.

@aera it seems to work when I code a similar style choice like in the example
Try putting a label directly before the choice, then saying goto the label under the disable_reuse button - just to see if that will solve it

I think what I coded seems fine? having the “No selectable options” is bizarre. Here is the scene file for it @ishantrissi

I could be doing something wrong.

I think I see the problem @Aera

Could you try setting the variables on the selectable if to something like this

In startup… Create ross_stand = “true”

Then in your choice put

*selectable if (ross_stand = “true”) #defend Ross

:frowning: Didn’t work @ishantrissi I wonder what causes that type of error.

Still gives me the “RANDOMTEST FAILED No selectable options” :-?

Okay @aera, one last thing to try would be to change the order…

Place the ordinary choice first, then the others

Still didn’t work @ishantrissi Thank you the help thou I can’t seem to see the whole problem :stuck_out_tongue:

sorry :frowning:

strangely enough the whole scene works on randomtest for me…

I’ll load the scene up…

Holy 3:-O It does work! Then why the “No selectable options” thing? :-? I tried to removed that particular scene and miracle of miracle it passed, but put it back it says “No selectable options” #-o I think i need to sleep this away.

Still thank you @ishantrissi :smiley:


what i did was simply make sure all variables were accounted for… would you like the code i did?

  • i did change it slightly

Sure! That could help me find what really is wrong :smiley: @ishantrissi

okay loading to dropbox now… judging from my fix you need to check the startup file and make sure every variable is defined

As you can see i used a startup file so that I could create the variables… so they are most likely the issue

Ps all changes are at the top

Thanks I will let you know if this works @ishantrissi ^:)^

okay, have you got the code… I need to delete it - you dont want everyone to access it yet I’m guessing :slight_smile:

Yup thanks @ishantrissi

Okay, deleting now… hope you find the problem soon!

Found a weird solution @ishantrissi I created all var as global var than temp var and it passed random test. /:slight_smile: I only got that idea thanks to your suggestion. Many thanks.