Coding: Help me because I'm incredibly confused.

Hey everyone, sorry if this isn’t the best place to ask things like this, but I’m completely new to coding and programing. I have no actual experience or knowledge in this area. However, I’m trying to develop a Hosted game with a friend. We are trying to figure out many things, but right now our issue is genders and pronouns. We don’t know how to set up the system for binary gender selection and we don’t understand what we should do to change the pronouns after it. Thanks everyone and sorry for the noobie question.

(Sorry if it’s not that cohesive, English isn’t our first language. We are trying our best to make sure the game is flawlessly written)



This is a friendly reminder that the search function is your friend! :face_with_monocle:

I would start by perusing the posts above.


Thanks. I’ve seen a few of those, but I was hoping for a simpler explanation, because honestly we don’t understand programming at all.

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I would recommed starting by just following the first link in the master list, but I am a programmer, so :person_shrugging: you’ll going to have to learn some terms and concepts though.

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How about the wiki then

This should explain it better.

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Have you tried tutorials on I think you should start from there, at least I did and that was helpful enough.

There’s no shame in any of it at all! I was in the same boat when I first started with choicescript about a year ago. And I believe many on the forum could say the same, as most of us tend to consider ourselves writers, instead of coders.

Firstly, I second looking at the threads that @cup_half_empty provided. Especially the sample code by @HarrisPS, as it is basically a copy paste that would work wonders for your problem.

Other than that, I’d like to recommend you use CSIDE, rather than the raw choicescript file. It makes the coding miles easier, and comes with a built in spellchecker.

It also has a downloadable tutorial, which acts as an introduction to choicescript which is very helpful. I remember coming to terms with it all completely after completing it.

Good luck in your coding endeavours :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I personally started from this webpage: Introduction to ChoiceScript - Choice of Games LLC

take your time no need to rush :v:


In the master list for beginners there are two tutorials that will hold your hand through. They are both aimed at people who knows absolute nothing. So they’re a good place to start.


Yeah, thought as much. It seems I’m gonna need to study a bit and understand those terms. Thanks.

Thank you.

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Exactly! Thank you!

Good luck with your book!