Chronicon Apocalyptica — Save medieval England from an ancient evil!

I’ve seen you on these forums enough to know that you offer criticism in a straightforward, constructive way. I deeply appreciate your feedback (and that is true of everyone here, really). If one doesn’t get good feedback, positive and negative, how can one improve?


I agree with this two but the pacing seemed fine to me. It never got boring bc of too long descriptions and nor did it feel rushed. At least till the point I got to while reading this (still didn’t finish reading it yet).
Anyway if I may ask: How came that Blædswiths romance got removed from the released game? I’ve heard that it was part of the beta version so it seems kinda pointless to me to remove already written content.


Sometimes people get depressed with my feedback and that’s never my intention. But really I think you have potential of improvement in same universe Maybe as some sort of healer or something like that. A herb wise person in your game time period could have a really really interesting plot. So don’t take my criticism as your game is bad or something. First my opinion is subjective, and second your game is not bad and with experience you could certainly improve a lot.


I greatly enjoyed this game. There were a couple of instances where I was disappointed that I didn’t have options that corresponded with my character’s strengths, but I was also happy to see that failing a stat contest now and then usually didn’t lock you out of some kind of success, even if it was conditional or incomplete. Once I noticed that the game was rather forgiving in that regard I didn’t mind having to choose from an array of options that I knew I didn’t have the stats for.

I also actually thought that the game did a surprisingly good job at making it clear what stats most options would be testing. Occasionally I wasn’t sure if something was going to test meticulous or analytical, but aside from that the only thing I still can’t figure out is which stat many of the geography options were testing.

The plot was compelling and the questions that the character was presented with were mysterious and interesting.i have yet to come to a conclusion about the nature of Excaliber and am looking forward to replaying the game again soon to see some of the lore that I might have missed.

I really liked the characters too, which was a pleasant surprise since the only one that I was really smitten with from the beginning was Hereweard, who I greatly enjoyed romancing.

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I think that tests the Excavation stat.
What I’m curious about is that which choices I would need to built up the scientist skill (trying to play a more science oriented character). So far I only found two of those but that only leaves me with 61 points. @r_davis

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@Cari-san and @Phoe77
Specializing in geography generally requires you to have a high scientific, although excavation might come into play there. It depends on the task at hand (i.e. I think you can solve the Viking map with analysis, and so on).
To raise science, you need to choose sciency things in chapter 1, like have the Astronomica or Ars Computistica be your first book. You can also raise your analysis and methodology stats.


Could I give you an advice? Maybe Other game You could put clearly in stats what is needed to raise what. I was really confused with what was needed to specialize and what raised what. What certain authors make is let player choose if want to see numbers of stats checks required and what is needed to improve certain jobs or advanced skills. In games like this with a heavy empathise in stats checks, could be certain really useful


Thanks for the idea. I haven’t seen that outside of Choice of Robots, but it makes a lot of sense.

I liked the balance between more and less signposted with the stats, especially when secondary stats came into play later on in the game. I was Excavation and Science, and enjoyed working out when a voice would be using my analytical vs my less good Archival Research!

Less specifically about stats: I thought the characters were fabulous. Very layered and difficult to deal with while being my best bros. I didn’t manage to take down my ultimate arch nemesis that dang Wulfstan the Worst. Next time!

I’m so impressed at the research that’s gone into this game, but also how you’ve infused your love of the act of research into the narrative.

My character went with thinking the Book was true from the get-go, which, by the end, I found really interesting: given that the King was definitively shown to be a changeling, I wonder what it would be like to play as a Doubting Thomas and be proven wrong!


What I’ve played of the demo is great, and it sounds like such a good game. Being nearby when @FayI was playing through, her reactions of “oh no!”, “ahhhh!” and “I’ve done something bad” made me even more excited to play!


I am surprised when the changeling King decide to attack me , luckily i invoke the help of that Fairy girl to send him back , by promise to give her a name… I like that Fairy girl as a friend too , playful but kind at the same time… all the while she just need someone to remember and acknowledge her

I know she is dangerous too… but a part of me wish that i can play with her again :slight_smile:

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I am a little disappointed in the romance section…there is no RO for my straight male MC… unfortunately I am not interested in the nun… so, there goes my excitement out of the window.

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Hmmm… It is true that all good things come from patience You will never realise Lioba will not be a nun in the end… in fact her actual identity is exhilarating :-):grin:

I know that spoiler actually… but that romance will always be hidden from public… not my thing. if this romance was a second one, then maybe… but we only have her ( for straight male ).

She will never marry you, instead she will marry a noble,king or prince and have lots of babies… while you will stay by her side and watch every thing. That’s a big NO for me.

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True love is to watch the one you love live happily :-):stuck_out_tongue:

I rather be blind cos das too painful.:sob:

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True love Is not bang everything that moves and have babies with other men while Your supposedly loved one is there alone seeing how you bang others. If she really loved Pc should sending Pc away not . That’s pure selfishness. And worse is straight male only option is being a second hand stuff. I empathise with them because as a straight woman normally I am the one left with a single shitty plot wise romantic option. However I don’t think this game is focused in romance so Like I did no romace anyone feel really okay and not like I were losing much.


Allow me to correct this bc it starts to annoy me how we (lesbian women) seem to be forgotten even tho we are stuck with that single RO too just like straight guys.

I’m still curious why the other female ROs route was removed… @r_davis


Ohhhhhhhhhhhh… I have finally found a lesbian woman.

Uh, should this be funny or something? Perheaps I’m too sleep-deprived here.