I would read that.
This sounds fun. Never summited any writing in competitions. I guess this could be very good motivation!
It would be cool if this gets off the ground (I understand it would be a lot of work for all involved).
Count me in for $25 toward the main prize pool and $25 for Best Humorous/Lighthearted Entry as @The_Lady_Luck suggested. Writing amusing stuff ain’t easy)
Good deal. As soon as I saw the lighthearted suggestion I was hoping someone would make it a reality.
Add me in for $25 towards the main prize pool and $25 towards best non-RO character (thanks for the suggestion @The_Lady_Luck!)
Sorry, I don’t know what “RO” means. Does “non-RO character” mean a non-romanceable NPC?
Yes, that’s right!
I never actually know was the O stands for, I presume it is ‘option’ - so a character is either a ‘Romance Option’ or not.
This seems exciting. I’d love to see the works in progress and the results.
Alright everyone
Last call for judges and/or sponsors to join.
I’ll be announcing the theme within the next 24 hours.
@Twiger_Fluff Will you be entering a submission?
Put me down as a judge if you please. Thanks. Hopefully I won’t bungle this too badly.
The contest is now open and the theme is: Mischief.
We decided to keep the theme open-ended this year. We trust you’ll do it justice
Happy writing!
Submissions are due by 11:59 pm Mountain Standard Time April 5th (6:59 am UTC April 6th).
No, but I’ve started writing a story that kind of fits the theme for unrelated use.
Hmm. Mischief.
Is it wrong that my first thought is a dungeon crawler game that never ends and just infinitely loops round random scenes. Then just see how long it takes players to realise!
Perhaps the wrong kind of mischief?
Going to have a good think on this one. Lots of options.
The amateur etymologist inside of my simple can’t pass up the chance to link to the full definition and history of the word
This would be extremely funny. Just saying.
Mischief huh…well damn.
I don’t have a funny bone in my body.
Yeah, same in my case, I could have any idea for anything except mischief. I doubt I be able to do a game with so narrow theme.
Might be helpful to consider that it doesn’t have to be the MC who is causing/engaging in the mischief - that avenue led me to a story idea I’m quite happy with (for all the 5 minutes of thought I’ve put into it so far).
Its more like my MC’s mischief hits back with some serious consequences for them.
I have been thinking 5 hours, and I only obtained a headache, lol. I just simply don’t understand jokes and mischief and American humour… So for me, the concept is alien.