ChoiceScript Saving Plugin (Update: April 2023)

Would you mind PMing me a link to a reproducing project?

I am also having the same problem with it giving me the Error: Bad Slot - Has smPlugin been included. It started exactly when I updated ChoiceScript. Though I believe Iā€™ve done everything right and itā€™s still making fun of me.:pensive:

Iā€™ll link my old comment.

But in your case, itā€™s probably the 1st case.

Iā€™ve included them and done eveything needed, but itā€™s still not co-operating with me.

Try hitting ā€œrestartā€ button in game and then browser page refresh.

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Iā€™ll be doing some investigation for @Stormheart this weekend. If anyone else wants to send me reproducers before then, Iā€™ll take a look at the same time.

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Turns out itā€™s related to the new changes to do with ā€œuploading filesā€ locally. Iā€™ve fixed it, and you can get the updated version of the menu add-on here:
Iā€™ll update the Dropbox links in due course.

Thanks to all reporting it, and trying to help those having trouble.


Is there any additional steps we need to do when installing related to this change?

Nope, just swap out the original smPluginMenuAddon.js for the one linked above :slight_smile:


Iā€™ve introduced the smPlugin and smPluginMenuAddOn file into the web file and the code of the Html file. I also used the newest files to avoid the bad save error.

However I keep coming across the same problem that it runs Ok with the save system on index but insists sm_menuaddon is a non-existent command.

Don might not has updated the CS file for the site. Your set up should be fine.

Okay Iā€™ve updated the plugin on :slightly_smiling_face:


Iā€™m still getting the same error message.

Ok I checked the ā€œUse CJWā€™s smPluginMenuAddon?ā€ box in the Edit Details section of for your game and added *sm_init magicarcanaacademia | 3 to your startup.txt before any output and it appears to be working correctly now.


:astonished: Oh my gosh! Thank you so much! It works now!


No Save Data.

That is what I get every time I try to load my game. Either hosted locally, or on DashingDan. I spent hours just going through all these multiple threads trying to find the correct link - that does not 404 - to download the correct versions of both plug ins. I took me forever to figure out which of the three different index.html files I was supposed to edit. And I finally get the button up and working, and now my game wonā€™t recognize any of the saves.

The saves are there locally - I can see them in my cookies. There are three cookies set by localhost. I have three saves created. But the plugin will not load them.

I made several saves on DashingDan as well. But when I exit the site, reload it and try to find my saves they are gone.

Has anyone else had this problem? It took me so long just to find all the basic information I needed, I donā€™t want to spend my entire day looking for this too.


No ā€œSave Dataā€ or ā€œSave_Slot has not definedā€?

You might want to make sure that you used unique keyword to label your save, such as *sm_init uniqlyword | 3, although, afaik, Don seem to have reworked the saving system so it uses your browser cache/cookie so that problem isnā€™t as much apparent as before.

Well, I donā€™t know what I did differently, but it seems to working on Don now. I did kind of open up my cookie settings a little bit - I am very anti-cookie and originally had it set to clear and delete all cookies every time I close my browser. I changed that and Don is working now.

But I still canā€™t get Chrome to load the local data that I can see is there. Maybe there is a difference between the way a purchased game is initialized and run and the way that the work in progress games load in the launcher that I downloaded from the tutorial. Is there a different way to load the game I am working on locally besides clicking on the server bat file?

To be honest, I havenā€™t done as much local testing as Iā€™d like (first week of new semester and all), but from those few Iā€™ve did, there should be no much difference between offline and online testing. I have my save, on so is on dashingdon.

And yes, if anyone wondering, Iā€™ve updated CS and stick to that ā€œuploadā€ button when testing.

Btw, you mentioned ā€œlauncher downloaded from tutorial.ā€ Which launcher are you talking about, and from which tutor?

When you do the very first tutorial on Choice of Games to learn how to use Choicescript, there is a link to download the Node.js file and then a zip file that contains all the files and folders that they give you for the basic game files referenced in that tutorial.

I am still using that unzipped folder. I just rewrote the startup and stats files and deleted the other ones that I wasnā€™t using. So when I start my game locally I click on run-server.bat, or rather the shortcut I put on my desktop.

What I was wondering is if something in that node.js file that allows me to run the file locally is resetting the data links in someway, or setting some value back to zero, or something that is causing my local host not to load the data files that I know are there.