ChoiceScript Problems

Not that I can think of. I think it has something to do with the fact that its the first one which says

*if (gender=“unknown”)
It happens with all of them, and I have no idea what is wrong.
  *if (gender="male") #Liam
   *set name "Liam"
  *if (gender="male") #Maximus
    *set name "Maximus"
  *if (gender="male") #Arkinsin
    *set name "Arkinsin"
  *if (gender="male") #Hercules
    *set name "Hercules"
  *if (gender="female") #Lilena
    *set name "Lilena"
  *if (gender="female") #Maxine
    *set name "Maxine"
  *if (gender="female") #Arkinia
    *set name "Arkinia"
  *if (gender="female") #Athena
    *set name "Athena"
  *if (gender="unknown") #Adrian
    *set name "Adrian"
  *if (gender="unknown") #Sean
    *set name "Sean"
  *if (gender="unknown") #Tyler
    *set name "Tyler"
  *if (gender="unknown") #Drew
    *set name "Drew"
  #I wanna choose my own name.
    *input_text name

So, in this case it would be Adrian, and Liliena that are the problem. Does it have anything to do with *choice vs. *fake_choice? Wild thing I just thought of.