Choice of Rebels: Uprising — Lead the revolt against a bloodthirsty empire!

Has the proportion of free vs helot in the Hegemony been mentioned? Maybe it differs by province. I think that in societies where the whole economic system is based on chattel slavery, usually between a quarter to a half of the population is enslaved. Given the sheer scale of the blood economy in the Hegemony, maybe towards the higher end of that range?

I would think there has to be quite a few of them as proportion of the population. Free small holders have to be a big part of the people composing the rank and file of the Hegemony’s armies. My aristo MC tries to only recruit from yeomen when possible.

I think that there is only the:
-Helots and drudges
Probably some 80% of the population is enslaved

I totaly forgot they exist

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Don’t forget the yeomen. There’s also been mentioned to be a significant class of non-noble Hegemony bureaucrats like Bleys.

Just don’t forget that the yeomen exist when they’re shooting at you.

  1. who is the traitor
  2. How to get kenosis
  3. make merchants like you and/or smuggling
  1. We don’t know for sure. Breden sure seems guilty of something since bad things always happen around them. For example, your band is poisoned in the final chapter if Breden is in the band, but this does not happen if Breden has been banished or killed prior to this. Breden is either the traitor or the traitor is really good at setting up Breden to be the most obvious suspect for treacherous actions. Breden also knows a kryptast code.
  2. I think you need to be a skeptic and have charisma 2
  3. Don’t steal from the merchants or the nobles. I imagine we’ll be able to split them off from the nobles down the line, but at the moment they don’t like you stealing from the nobles because the nobles are their best customers.

The poisoning still happens I think

You need to capture Horion and Linos and speak to them. So either go to see the strangers yourself at the beginning of chapter 3 or send Zvad and tell him to bring the strangers to you. When you talk to Linos, he will offer to name you Eclect of the Angels. You should have the option with those stats to choose “create a ritual to free my followers from the fear of the angels…” or something to that effect.
That should trigger the kenosis scene.

Exactly. And then for your MC I’d focus on just stealing from church (monasteries and tithebarns) during the winter. They don’t seem to mind you going after the religious orders stuff. Doing the tax collector raid is still fine as well and won’t make the merchants angry unless you frame Alaine Leybridge.

If you want to smuggle, go talk to Alaine in week 1 and bring Zvad with you (you need to make Zvad deputy b/c she trusts him). On a playthrough where I made Breden deputy she didn’t want to do business with me even though I hadn’t done any looting. If Alaine agrees to work with you on smuggling, you will need 7 mules (or enough followers to carry the same amount) available in week 6 to actually perform the smuggling operation.

  1. what if friendly or romancing breden
  2. Specifically I‘am 75% skeptic 2 CHA what do I do
  3. So no looting when I destroy harrower even if just nobles?

I’m not sure if this is the thread to post these. If it’s not, I’ll happily move them. Just dropping by to post these. I’m currently attempting to make maps of the Infinite Sea’s nations – and if I’m doing that, I can’t very well not make a map of my other favorite dark fantasy CoG, now, can I?

Hope you enjoy!


I think this is it. Not aware of another thread besides this one and the old WIP thread. Thanks for doing all of these!


The folks on discord are enjoying it


Great maps as to the whole Brenden bit I currently firmly believe he is the traitor and if they are not then the true traitor is playing one hell of a long game.
As well has resources no one else knows about nor has even been sniffed at so to speak with all that said I do believe Brenden really does care about the MC if your going through the romance route with them.
Yet if they are the traitor as I believe there duty and loyalty to the hegemony trump’s that for what ever the reasoning for it.


hmm, maybe they are a traitor subcounciously?

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Plenty! A nationalist MC will definitely be able to make common cause with other countries’ nationalists.

Within Shayard, they’ll get a warmer welcome from the Laconniers but should be able to have a positive if somewhat uneasy relationship with the Leaguers if they decide the Laconniers aren’t their bag.

Cerlota will (I think) be fine with either a homelander or cosmopolitan MC.

You’ll have much less leverage to capitalize on it, since I don’t anticipate the MC ever having the opportunity to go to Halassur. But the Halassurqs recognize nationalism as the threat to empire than it is, and you’ll have some indirect ability to sow dissension of various kinds there.

Fight for it! You’ll have the option to push for all these things. Destroy the priesthood and nobility, try to prevent anything similar from bubblng up in the gap where they used to be. As Ramidel notes, 2 CHA will help people to be less freaked out by the fact that you’re attacking the primary social source of meaning on offer.

That’s definitely my perspective on nationalism at its best. A year and a half ago I argued about it here at some length.

Not yet. It does absolutely differ by province, though, and Shayard probably has the highest helot-free ratio in the Hegemony.

@roodcross’s advice is good. In addition, it helps to have 1 INT (i.e. 0 COM) though that’s not 100% necessary.

It 100% is, and I love them. Thank you so much! Can I share them on the FB page too?

The Hegemony makes subconscious traitors out of all of us. Just ask Gramsci.


Of course! Please, feel free! If it would be easier, do you want me to post a new version with larger city names? They turned out a bit small here.

Here, hope this is a bit better!


Sure, that sounds great – if you don’t mind. :slight_smile:

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Thats three times better, want to be the 100th memeber of the disco?

Yeah. Sure. I’m still learning my way 'round Discord though, so I’ll probably lurk.

In honour of the XoR discord reaching one hundred members, here is a small video to celebrate this most auspicious occasion:

There’s a venn diagram displaying the overlap between forum and discord members of the community somewhere, and this was produced with that in mind.

Best wishes for the next decade of XoR everyone - long road ahead yet. :chart_with_upwards_trend:


Aka it is the single worst province, a dubious honour in what is already a nightmare state.

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Possible bug so I will send it here I raided the architelone with my magic but passed out they say we won but no achievement?

Also I paralyzed the army got all benefits from the Ruthless/devout/homelander destroyed both theurge and train, burned down the forest, high anarchy (44), 35 educated 289 warriors all armed, traps killed 100 and have high relationship with yeomanry, helot and priests meaning high intel and yet I lost? 355/9?? left so do I have to bring it to 0

@DariaRF - one quick comment before I share your amazing map. The yellow line is close to being an accurate representation of the Wards, but it would need two corrections: first, Scarthe Isle is outside the Ward, which follows the coast there; and second, I’ve decided that the Ward jumps the strait between the twin cleruchies of Aegre in Shayard and Sescia in Erezza, so it doesn’t run around the big inland bay. [Edit: I have since changed my mind back on this, with apologies.]

If you’re up for adjusting the yellow line accordingly, I’ll share it on my Facebook page for XoR. Also let me know by PM if you want to be credited in any way other than “DariaRF.” :slight_smile: