I think the primary issue I’ve had with low anarchy is the fact that if I mess up, I need to either reset, or go through the motions of finishing the current chapter and then replay it. If I could just restart the chapter without doing all of that, I could do it. Every time I’ve made it far enough with low anarchy, I screw it up with one choice.
I need 21 anarchy and no more, I need the DeMerre Alive which means I can’t have someone else do the raid because at least one always dies, and I need to not use theurgy on the ecclesiast during the winter temple raid. Theurgy is my primary means of fighting, I can’t just not use it unless I want to take numerous casualties.
I have no idea if the steam guide I got that from just assumed I’d be raiding temples (which I don’t, I’m a devout, if heretical, believer in Xthonos) or if I can raid a noble and get away with it, or if I can raid whoever I please with theurgy as long as it’s not in week one. I don’t have time to test all of these variables. Some goes for whether ALL of the DeMerre need to be alive or if one can die in the fighting.
If I want low anarchy, I need to basically NOT FIGHT A REVOLUTION. To have low anarchy I need to basically let my comrades starve or just not save them at the start because I’m too much of a pansy to actually fight. Begging Helots for food and hiding in the woods while everyone dies of tuberculosis isn’t a revolution, it’s the world’s worst camping trip. If I’m not actually fighting anyone or shaking things up, then what am I doing? George Washington didn’t get independence with a strongly worded letter, Lenin didn’t overthrow the Tsar by begging for bred and grain from the people he fought for while avoiding the white army whenever possible, and I can’t establish an egalitarian socialist democracy by camping out in the woods during a famine while the Hegemony keeps grinding my people up into magic juice.
A regime run on human sacrifice is not one that can be toppled with civil disobedience. Bread for bread, blood for blood. THAT is how you beat a dictatorship.
I wouldn’t even CARE about low anarchy if it weren’t for the fact that my end game plan involves getting captured so I can get the magic sword. I need Simon because my combat isn’t high enough to free the others if that happens and I need to free them if I want to take Breden into the Xaos lands with me (and for its own sake). If anyone has any ideas on how to get captured while letting everyone else flee so I can do that, it’s a moot point.
It’s actually really funny that the role of mercy in revolution came up because my current character is named Chara. I did this because a) I’m a huge Undertale fan and b) Chara is actually a real Greek girl’s name and the Hegemony is a Greek-esque culture. Of course, we’re actually British but I forgot about that so I guess Chara is half Karagond.
So far, I’m living up to the name. I’ve tried doing it the peaceful way and I’ve lost my patience, so for now I am Chara Thresher, Butcher of the Rim, Heretical Hero of the Helotry, founder of Catholic Democratic Communism, Comrade of the Commoners, Savior of the Slaves, and Bane of the Bourgeoisie. I will bring salvation and prosperity upon the downtrodden, redemption to the misguided, and swift, brutal justice to the wicked.
I spent way too much time on this comment.