Choice of Rebels: Uprising — Lead the revolt against a bloodthirsty empire!

Getting the yeomanry and helots to love you is easy. Just bribe them. Throw enough silver at them and it’ll wipe away any stain of wrongdoing. The priesthood is a bit less susceptible to this tactic, but you can still bribe their faces off if you’re willing to invest enough. But if you do anything to piss them off they won’t take your money at all, so be careful about raiding those tithe barns.

Nobles are much harder. You can raise your rep with them in small increments with your choices, by doing things that lead them to believe your rebellion isn’t especially violent and (more importantly) isn’t planning to massacre them. Things like sparing the alastors in Rim Square, sparing the guy who tries to knife you in your sleep, etc. They also like you better if you look out for their interests, like stating your intent to protect/restore their ancestral rights and robbing the architelone (since nobody likes being taxed).

And of course they’ll like you better if you yourself are an aristo.


Yeah, I think most people can agree that even if Breden is a traitor, the poisoning doesn’t make sense unless they’re monumentally stupid.

Actually I can see some sense in the poisoning. I just didn’t agree with @Haresus’s reasoning.
If Breden is the traitor they could have done it to weaken the band and make the Phalangites job easier. But it’s still stupid that she would stay after that and wait to see wether the MC or someone else kills her for being suspicious or not.

The helot and yeomanry will like you if you pay them off after winter.
nobles if you don’t rob them.

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Bwahahahahahah Ha! When have the so-called “nobles” ever cared about anything then their own privileges and wealth. So my mc definitely isn’t looking out for their “rights”, certainly not when he himself has got absolutely no rights at all.

Too bad, since they have the wealth taxing them is more profitable then taxing those who have got nothing at all, though if they object that much there’s an easy solution that will result in them not being taxed at all, though I’m sure they won’t like it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep, cause everybody who isn’t one is dumb filth, the caste system says so after all. :unamused:

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Good point. But yeah, I am far from convinced that Breden herself is the poisoner. Unfortunately, kicking her out early lets you avoid the poisoning altogether so I have been trying that quite a bit in recent playthroughs.

Of course, I imagine that she will return in the second game. Probably as the leader of her own gang of rebels, probably with a much less favourable opinion of our MC, and perhaps with much more influence than she would otherwise have. So trouble now or trouble later, pick your poison.

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You are so right! If only the game provide two humanized examples of nobles who opposed the Hegemony for reasons beyond self-interest…


Well as the mc himself can say if pressed by Horion on it “all five or six of them”. Due to the caste system most nobles view helots as sub-human, not even just poor scum but sub-human.
I’m also not sure Horion and Simon’s reasons aren’t self-interest. Horion in particular strikes me as a man with a plan and that plan is highly likely to benefit him specifically if it works. He may not be as downright malicious as the Keriatou, but being a lesser evil does not make him the greater good.
Simon could be genuine, but then that boy is about as common as a pink unicorn. Hector and the de Merre’s are far more typical representations of the cream of the crop of the Shayardene “nobility”.

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Thanks for sharing


Yeah, I would kick her out too but when I’m not playing a CHA 2 character then it’s handy to have her in the band.

Very much so.

Thankfully I almost always play a CHA 2 character, but even then she is very useful.

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@Havenstone I think there is a bug with the Owlscap Pass raid. Whenever i try to raid the Owlscap Pass for the first time I always do it in the first week of winter. I send Zvad to lead it and I send Elery with him, but when they come back they say the raid went well but my amount of silver doesn’t increase, it stays the same. Is this a bug?

I do have to agree it’s quite tough to improve the morale of the band once you kick out Breden and you have 1 CHA but usually when I do this, I do it as a compassionate noble (mainly because of week two’s event where Elery tells you that you need to inspire the rebels) but there’s usually ways to get around it like for example, not sabotaging the Harrowers.

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CHA is the natural dump stat for me, so Breden really really is required. My MC still likes romancing her though, if only for the drama to come.

So far Bredens romance is the most interesting. I hope in the second game we get more interesting romances.

Edit: My main MC is a helot with CHA 2 and COM 1. But of course I did playthroughs with with COM 2 and INT 2 characters but with those I always have CHA 1 so I guess my dump stat normally is INT.

Edit 2: @Havenstone I’m pretty sure there is some bug with Kala. I don’t get any romance scene with her in chapter 4 even if my MC is clearly interested in her (actually i only got a romance regarding scene with her when I was playing an ace character) and she sometimes disappears from the notable rebels list even though I recruited her and she is still alive.

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Forest fire too, I presume.

You’re right, and that shouldn’t be the case. I’ll push an update.


Awesome. (20 characters)

So far I wasn’t able to figure out what the cons are for a forest fire?

Most likely it will make hiding and foraging/hunting for food during the time the mc spends in the Xaos-lands for the surviving band much harder, which may lead to named character casualties off-screen instead. My mc wouldn’t have done it if that damned Breden hadn’t made sure the band refuses to make the most of that month of preparation. :unamused:
You can try asking @Havenstone for specifics, but he can be more cryptic then Cata at times.