Choice of Rebels-Uprising Help/Hints

This goes for any mc at the Harrowing, doubly so for an open theurge. Of course the helot mc doesn’t have to give up anything, quite the contrary. Still Breden is always highly suspicious and at least somewhat unreliable no matter what.
The helot also doesn’t get called a “dandy”. :wink:

Show me any noble who isn’t, I mean even Simon has got shades of it, but the arrogent noble mc really is more arrogant than what their own barely “noble” status should merit.

Breden doesn’t show much more then average organizational abilities, at best and they use their charisma to undermine any mc who wants to stand and fight, which has the effect of making the fight more difficult then it should have been due to sapping our followers morale at the crucial moment. It’s also the moment Breden irrevocably places themselves on my mc’s little list. Expect a purge as soon as my mc has found a suitably charismatic and hopefully more skeptical replacement for them in the inner circle.