Also, Hosted Games can be published with checkpoint systems, but not with @CJW’s save plugin, correct? So that might be something to consider.
@N1GHTMAR3 If you’re hosting on Dashingdon, then @Dashingdon’s set up the website so that all you have to do is click the box that says ‘enable CJW’s save plugin’ on the ‘Edit Game Details’ page, like so:
Then put *sm_init mygame | 3
(or however many save slots you want) at the end of your *creates in startup.txt. I usually just *comment that line out when I’m playtesting or using Quicktest and Randomtest, or it causes an error. Then I unhide it when I upload my files.
This will allow players to save anywhere, not just at checkpoints. That might be helpful for regular testers anyway, since they often play through the same sections a number of times to get to new content.