Captive of Fortune

She is an RO, but you don’t get to start anything serious with her until Foundation of Nightmares.

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Aight thanks thats fine by me. Starting over right away. Except if there is the possibility to have multiple RO at once without being forced to ruin our relations with the others. Is that something? I mean does gretta and falcon even ever meet?

You’ll have to see in the sequel. :slight_smile: You will be able to have multiple relationships, though, but it’s all about how you handle it.

Oh god you’re killing me. Can you just pm me if its going to ruin my game so I dont restart for nothing please ;–;

It won’t ruin it! I want to give people the freedom to romance any of the ROs they want, even if that means more than one.

Hey thanks for the answer! I’m happy to see the game this way. I know most persons dont really take this seriously but I’m an aromantic pansexual, so its a nice little feature for me. Thanks man.

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I found a typo. In the scene where we find the ogre cave entrance. Not long after we almost impale ourselves on a rock.

*As you reach the cavern’s mouth you raise your the candle, *

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Hey, found another typo when visiting the prison. You said living instead of giving:

“Still, living you all a second chance”

First major typo I found, though it’s more a coding thing. The first time your boggart comes back after leaving the prison he’s called Beckham even though I named him Humphrey.

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I’ve fixed all of the name bugs already, so when I submit the next update they’ll be taken care of. Thanks for your feedback and typo spotting, guys.

If you save the guard during the fire you get this line that I’m not sure of the meaning of:

[spoiler]Unfortunately, the fire had to be even close to tamed, so the burn is almost serious.

Also, I’m not sure if this is a typo, but it seems weird that the triplets know about the demon even if you keep it secret.[/spoiler]

Oh, wow, that’s a monstrosity. ;_;

I’ve just deleted it and replaced it with, "Although the burn isn’t serious, it will probably leave a small scar, and it leaves your skin red and angry.

at that point, it has been announced and word has spread because of the attack on the barn.

Hmm…how do I use that spoiler hider?

Type spoiler in brackets, and then /spoiler to end it.

[spoiler]Giving the captain a wave goodbye, you head over to the inn. The bouncer

regards you fondly, commenting, “Did you hear about the mayor? Terrible tragedy, it was. We could use someone like you around to lighten our spirits!” [/spoiler]

Looks like a double line break in the middle of the sentence here.

Here’s another typo talking to Maggie:

[spoiler]Here eyes wide, she says, “Good luck, Allister!” before dashing off.

I’m not sure, but I feel like I missed something. Maybe I just wasn’t reading closely enough, but I went to try to help the mayor, and after that I didn’t get the chance to question the bandits about the necromancer’s escape.[/spoiler]

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You only have enough time to investigate either Eldon’s office or the prison.

I’m so excited this is out properly! Now everyone can enjoy how heartless* you are!

(*N.B. I mean strictly in an authorial capacity, of course.)

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Guess I wan’t paying enough attention there. I did find antother typo though.

Smiling, tell him, “See if you can fly over and break that sphere so I can get through, will you?”

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Well, I can already tell sales will be non-existent. Coupled with the bad reviews for that bug, now I’m getting ones from people who are upset about the IAP because they think they have to pay twice to read the story. I can’t imagine why they would think that, but…So, yeah, any real reviews on Amazon and Android would help a lot.

Sam, what’s the estimated read time? I’ll try to read it tonight if my schedule permits.

Just a suggestion, you have it on buy with no trial. Personally I’m more likely to give something a go even if it has some negative reviews if there’s a demo I can see if I personally like it or not/if it’s working correctly on my phone/computer despite what others are saying. Have you considered making the cut off a chapter in and then having 2 buttons. 1: buy the full story. 2: buy the story with music and pictures. Not sure how tricky that would be to code but would probably take care of the confusion problem as well. Otherwise, does google/apple let you place a link in the description? You could link to the demo on the COG site although that might create confusion of it’s own if people buy it there and then find they haven’t bought the actual app. Just a suggestion to get more people to try it out, not sure of the difficulties in doing that though or if you just want to leave it be.

It probably varies between people, but each read through is approximately 25k words.

I don’t like the idea of having the story free to download but then the rest available or purchase, nor do I think that’s the problem. People are upset because of bizarre misconceptions about the IAP and a bug that no longer exists. Plus, most readers know that they can read the demo online.

No probs, just a thought. When reading the description if I didn’t already know being on this forum, I would assume the pictures and music are included so I can see why people get confused or upset. (In the description it just says “• Music and illustrations to enhance your experience”

It does say in app purchases are available but couldn’t see anywhere that it specified what that was specifically for. It almost needs a description of something like in app purchases of music and pictures specified, so then people can’t complain they feel they’ve been mislead. Anyway glad your game’s out now :smile: