So I want use a variable to keep track of the relationshipt talks characters had with each other. But I don´t want to use a if-statement whenever I encounter a new position where a relationship talk may trigger, so I created a variable for counter and was hoping to use this variable in a gosub list hopping. I´ll give an example so it might be easier to understand.
*create dave 0
#talk to dave
*gosub dave0
*set dave +1
#talk to dave again
*gosub dave{dave}
*label dave0
some text
*label dave1
some text
At the moment the *gosub dave{dave} does not work, is there a possibilitie to make it run ind such a way, or do I have to continually ask if-statements to check in which dave you are?^^ sounds strange^^
Try this. I set this up so it doesn’t use actual arrays, but you can also use CS arrays which is probably the more “proper” way to do it.
*create dave 0
*label loop
*if (dave=0) #talk to dave
*gosub dave0
*set dave +1
*if (dave>0) #talk to dave again
*gosub {"dave"&dave}
*goto loop
*label dave0
some text
*label dave1
some more text
Here is a way you can do it; like above I’ve made it without using arrays. You can make it more simplified if you use refs instead of the *if block inside the first *gosub though.
*create dave_convo 1
*label talk_dave
*goto after_talk_dave
#Talk to dave@{(dave_convo_1 > 1) again|}.
*gosub dave_index
*goto talk_dave
*label after_talk_dave
You leave the house and go to your car...
*comment ----------dave_index------------
*label dave_index
*if (dave_convo = 1)
*gosub dave_convo_1
*elseif (dave_convo = 2)
*gosub dave_convo_2
*elseif (dave_convo = 3)
*gosub dave_convo_3
*set dave_convo +1
*comment ----------dave_convo_1------------
*label dave_convo_1
"Hey Dave, tell me about yourself."
"Sure, I'm..."
*comment ----------dave_convo_2------------
*label dave_convo_2
"Hey Dave, tell me about your father."
"Sure, my father is..."
*comment ----------dave_convo_3------------
*label dave_convo_3
"Hey Dave, tell me about your mother."
"Sure, my mother is..."