By Crom: A Celtic Adventure

I’m delighted,
I thought it might be a bit risky having a gentle start in a game of this genre, but I think the backstory will pay off should you meet Conan and your sister in the future…
Thanks a mil for the support!

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ayy xD just before my bday!

Will there be save slots?

and typos/grammar:


remove comma

she’s not one to enjoy any affection

add space

he just drinks
add comma, remove period

first part unnecessary

in each hand

  1. then pull the roots out
    • or ;
  2. ;
  3. beetroots are better off
  4. ;

    1.sentence doesn’t sound right?
  5. He stares at his hands as they open and close into fists
    Also; commas and periods always go inside the quotation marks, and colons and semicolons (and dashes) go outside. Whenever someone is speaking, you usually use a new paragraph-

Example: You both yelp as your father grabs you by back of your necks and hoists you up.

“You both look a state, get back to the house and clean yourselves up, and don’t you dare wake your sister. Now!”. His forehead and the bridge of his nose are wrinkled in anger as he speaks.

He holds you back by the collar of your coat for a moment as Conan runs off down the dirt path. Before you can say anything, he demands “You think I need this today of all days?”.

Don’t have time for more, but here you go ^^
also: …it seems that the simple task of telling Dad about a new-born lamb is getting quite difficult xD

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Thanks a mil for taking the time to outline all that, I’ll get fixing ASAP. I’ll add save slots before chapter 3 is released, Happy birthday!
All the best, Fionn

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Chapter 3 is now live! It’s the longest chapter so far at over 8,000 words, though it’s very branchy for better exploration and replay-ability.
Female and male romanceable NPCs emerge!
Hope you all enjoy,


If you’re going for authenticity, you may want to rethink having whalers and potatoes, well over a thousand years early. :slight_smile:

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True! I realised potatoes were originally imported into Ireland from America yesterday, I just didn’t want to delay the update. That’s something I’ll edit asap. On the whalers, there isn’t any evidence of it happening that far back, but perhaps it did happen very infrequently?
Thanks so much for bringing those to my attention!

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So this just happened when I try to open the demo😅

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I’m sorry about that,
The save slot system was slightly off, now it should work just fine,


That reminds me,
We now have save slots!


Awsomeeeee🤩 looking forward to reading this update!


Just to let you know, the saving Ultan path is still broken. It says I have him with me until I pick an option to speak with the guards, after that, they still ask where the second scout is. Love the demo so far, good luck with it!


Thanks a lot!
I’ll get right to fixing that👍


Hey all,
really sorry about this but it’s been a bit of a hectic week for me so I’m not quite as far into chapter three as I’d like to be. I don’t want to rush through any elements of it and though I’m halfway through I need to push chapter four’s release until the 21st.
Thanks a mil to everyone for the ongoing support :+1:


all the saves are not working. just loads and loads. nothing works. not worth it. Even though your writing is good. but can’t keep doing it on every update. hope you understand. Not trying to be an ass.your writing is good. it just feels too much work for every time

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Sorry, I didn’t realise the saves weren’t functioning.
I’ll fix that ASAP, and I totally get its too much work for every update if you can’t save, but hopefully you can bare with me until the saves are working.
Thanks for letting me know!


how on earth no one informed you. Of course I’ll play. If I didn’t care. I would not comment here. Thank you


Hey all!
I know it’s been a bit of a wait but chapter 4 is now live on dashingdon,
hope you all enjoy and I’d appreciate any feedback.
Thanks a mil

also- new mechanics and ROs introduced!


I really liked the story, but can we write our own name? I just don’t feel comfortable to have a mc with a pre made name, but that’s just me. Anyway, have a good day :slight_smile:


Thanks for letting me know!
I’d already thought I added the input name option, sorry about that.
Glad you’re enjoying it😀


Not sure if it’s the type of feedback you’re looking for but spuds didn’t come to Ireland until after the conquest of the Incas in the 15th/16th centuries. Other than that nit pick its a good game and I’m glad to see Irish mythology and folklore getting a bit of love