Bootlegger (W.I.P.)

Amazing demo so far. But can we PLEASE romance Zep? Goddamn it she is so cool. Please let us romance Zep :sob::sob::sob:

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I loved this, the chance to build your own mafia empire or to join one and to live your life like this, I look to this game releasing, great work so far.

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The game got the spark man i have to say i enjoyed every second playing this it got me that dopamine thing going but it lacks that materialistic feeling i mean you can numerically see those revenue but you have to give MC an opportunity to buy something maybe a small thing at first but something to establish a connection that what money you are making is really beginning to be a part of your life also the whole election thing is put to stall and feels inconsistent i am not saying there should be election related events continously but atleast throw a few in between to make it seem consistent or occassional atleast again this game got emmence potential cause the plot is extremely solid where you could polish a bit is sequencing of events or scenes


Few things i would like to see

I would want to know where derek and my mother were gone

I would want an option to repair my old home to glory and look after for my father even if he was a drunkard and good for nothing i wanna show i am better than him

MC own car, house,pet,personal gun collection etc

A hot secretary if i win election :rofl::rofl:

More options to diversify business not only relying on making booze so to have a backup for dark days like having a media house to manipulate people, a casino, hospital etc (basically any business through which you can launder money)

Invest in future technology, improve booze making equipments

What i think my MC is going for

My MC want people to revere him like saviour regardless of his crime empire cause he doing good for poor and snatching from rich

Do something for his heathsaw make it a hub or something

Leave a legacy basically a good criminal with occasional use of violence

This what i got from my first playthrough will update more if i get some more thoughts after replaying


I hope this game will be published someday, pretty good backstory and intriguing


Hello everyone!

New chapter added at last. I’ll try to post them with less than a year intermission from now on, it’s been a bit of a crazy few years, as we all know.

Looking forward to any feedback you’ve got, and thanks in advance!


Cool story


Glad to see this WIP came back.


God i know you are exist :sob::pray:

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I just discovered this WIP and-- wow! It’s incredible! The historical detail, the options for MC background customization, the prose, I could definitely see myself getting sucked into this game. My MC is a teetotaler vaudeville performer who lost her family to influenza and has a repressed crush on Sam, btw. I love how we are given the opportunity to paint such a vivid picture early on-- I really think that’s key to a good game.


Just finished playing the demo to chapter 8,for me it’s good and I don’t have problem but for suggestions maybe you can add choices for this demo to just start play chapter 8 without need to play early chapters maybe some just bit reluctant to play again from the start, in the end for me it’s good


will the mc meet some of the prominent figures during the prohibition era like Al Capone, Dion O’Banion, Stephanie St. Clair ?


So is this project dead in the water or is it underway?

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It’s still being worked on.

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I’ve been derailed by work and grad school, but I promise I am still chugging away at this! Hope to have another chapter on here soon.


Oh man, I’ve been wanting to replay this game for a while, but I find it really difficult to properly test games that don’t have a save system. Is there any chance you’d be willing to enable the integrated one on dashingdon?


Gooddd stufff Bruda

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Hi. I played through this last night and, overall, I enjoyed what I saw so far. There were a few things that hampered the experience for me though.

  • In some cases, it felt like the choice I made wasn’t being honoured. Such as when I told Bartlett I’d have to discuss his “offer” with my team only for that discussion to never happen and the political campaign to continue anyway. Or, after killing Tripp, when I told Dink I was done doing odd jobs for Capaldi, and then the next chapter starts with me on another job for Capaldi.
  • I got the impression that the skill stats in this game were Speech, Brawling, Driving, Theatricality, and Finance, but I sometimes had trouble telling which choices would increase the stats and which ones would test them. For example, I was surprised to find that shooting a man who is already completely at your mercy (the very first thing Capaldi wants you to do for him) increases Brawling, and there was an option at one point that was about trying to convince someone to do something that sounded like it was going to be tied to Speech but turned out to be tied to Theatricality instead.
  • Perhaps because of the above point, I accidentally ended up making my character a jack of all trades with all five of those stats in the 28-38 range. Unfortunately this meant my character couldn’t really do anything that relied on any of those skills after a certain point in the story. It also meant I couldn’t tell whether a failure was because I had accidentally chosen an option that tested one of the weaker stats or because my strongest stat (Finance) wasn’t high enough.
  • There was one chapter (I think chapter eight?) that was missing the writing before the first choice - it was one of those choices where I was deciding between Sam and Rory, but without the chapter opening, I had no idea what they were arguing about this time.
  • There were a few times where the punctuation in a sentence made the meaning a bit confusing at first. There was a bit in Sam’s dialogue where she was like “[character]'s right, sure, X, but Y” (I forget exactly what the topic was) and I thought she was disagreeing with me at first. It would’ve been clearer if “[character]'s right” was its own sentence.
  • While fairly minor, there was a sentence somewhere that started with “Where” when it should have been “Wear”. I don’t remember exactly where this was, but I think it was when someone was talking about going to Barry’s party.

I still had fun overall though, especially when I got to give Tripp the reward a traitor deserves. I look forward to seeing how the story continues.


Hi there!

I recently just did a playthrough of this and a few questions. when we get to work for capaldi, would it make sense for it to be insinuated or even the option to say we’re Italian for the chance that we can fold into the mafia at the end?

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Will there be saves?

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Great work!!