Best darkest COG or HG games?

Curious but in everyone’s opinion, just how dark is too dark for a choice game? I’m wondering because in lots of games you have people running around killing the “baddies” but they’re not considered dark because they’re a hero, superhero or soldier kind of game and the people who are killed are usually either nameless/anon, accidental, obviously very evil, self defense or the details of it are brushed over. (ie someone kills a guard and then moves along without thinking about it again.) Even traditionally “evil” creatures like Vampires that you could work with as a tormented soul- killing vs survival vs how much they choose to continue to care bout their victims angle seem to be getting a bit of a makeover in a lot of cases (cough twilight cough)

So what if you have a character that’s put into a situation where there are deaths occuring that are not so clear cut, and more personal. (Either by their own hand, or they’re in a position they could try to stop it from happening). The people responsible or MC may feel as if they have a good reason for acting as they do (although it’d be considered twisted and abhorrent by most). Would people want to read something like that? Or would it be too dark and uncomfortable for a choice type game?