Best darkest COG or HG games?

Might I suggest Highlands, Deep Waters , by me and Nerull? It is quite dark, perhaps even too much at times. We handle a wide range of dark and mature themes, from paranoia, horror, anxiety, fear, violence, sinister rituals, murder, prejudice, sexual and psychologic abuse, all put together in a series of mysterious events that span across ten years in a small town in Scotland.

Although I’m yet to play Through Broken Lenses, I quite liked the concept when I read about it.

As a player, I really enjoy games with grimdark themes and realistic settings. The less fantasy in it the better, for my tastes. I know it’s not quite what you asked, but I would suggest, outside of text games, the following two:

Age of Decandence: A masterpiece a decade in the making, it’s a classic rpg that really, really puts value on your choices, and it plays almost as a text game, but with tactical combat. The thing is: You can finish the game without fighting once, if you are smart and compromise. What really appears to me about AoD is the fact that the world is cruel in every sense. Yes, you don’t usually need to fight, but that doesn’t make the game easy. There are people trying to trick or fool you at every corner, trying to use your to fulfill their own personal agendas, and you can’t quite trust anyone.

Battle Brothers: A tactical, open-worlded game where you are the captain of a group of mercenaries. There’s permadeath, there’s realistic combat with a nice injury system and there’s a nice tactical battle system. Much like Age of Decadence, you’ll often find yourself employed by people who don’t give a shit about you.