Greetings all.
FIrst I would like to say how in love I became with these games a while ago since I discovered them. Already played all at least once and playing the user made ones now. Yesterday while I was playing one of them i thought to myself: " English is not my mother language but I guess I can make a game or two" Well that might be true in terms of writing but once i saw the choicescript program, things just did change a bit. Now my main problem is not English itself but rather how to make very simple things as gender variables and choosing your name. I´m delaying the gender “problem” for another book as i don´t think i have to use it on my first choice book attempt. Anyway i did get stuck at the input name problem altough I did follow the example from the dragon book I still can´t figure it out how to use it. And I really did not understand how I use the variables I create on mygame.js in the book itself. I think if I uderstant how to set the name and gender and how to work around with them I could understand the rest but its not being easy, that´s why i came here seeing if its possible if someone could give me an example on how to use it in order to start my first book. The book starts like this:
Blah blah (Prologue is here)
First things first though…
What is your name?
*set name “Andy”
*goto_scene chapter1
*set name “John”
*goto_scene chapter1
*set name “Mike”
*goto_scene chapter1
#Thats not my name!
What name would you prefer then?
\*input_text name
\*goto_scene chapter1
Obviously it gives me an error since I don´t have a name variable and don´t know where and how to create it. Already created it on the mygame.js but then the game does not even start when I do that. I know its a very noob and dumb question but im really stuck at the beginning because I can´t create a simple thing called name and get it to work. Help would be much appreciated and Im sorry for the long writing and noob like question.
Thanks in advance.