Welcome all to the support thread for August 2024.
Happy Birthday to August babies.
Thank you, everyone who continues to participate in these threads – it helps others when you do participate, sometimes more than you think.
If anyone has specific questions or concerns I may help with, please let me know.
This month, I am going to give myself some support as well as link a couple of articles to help everyone in general.
First up are two “general help” articles, much as you have grown used to me posting.
This article is by Natalia Theodoridou, a prolific and award-winning author that has released several games in the CoG library. Since the article is written with Choice Script games in mind, it is highly recommended.
The sections from this article I often review are: “Non-Player Characters”, “Goals” and “Choices”.
The second article is titled: 33 writers on why they write.
While this article has a COVID tinge to it, the core of the issue (During times of crisis, carving out time to write can feel silly, pointless: why do your morning pages when you could be, say, inventing a vaccine?) it addresses is something that many, if not every writer goes through at one time or another.
I found this article last week when I was asking myself why I insist on writing and feeling extreme imposter feelings as I grappled with a request from a bereaving friend who just lost her brother.
Which is a self-serving lead in to me posting an article that spoke to me and has helped me fight back against these imposter feelings:
I’ll leave off this post with an excerpt:
My main goal for August is to continue to work on my first editing pass of my Patchwork’s project.
I started this goal last month, but I did not have a clue how long it would take to complete this milestone. At the start of this month, I see the daylight at the end of the tunnel; there is still a lot to accomplish, and it still will be a challenge, but the skeletal structure for my success is there and now it is a matter of execution (an ironic choice of words since I am naming this pass “The Deathsight Pass”).
Happy writing for the month of August.