At Sixes and Sevens (WIP) - updated 2/16/19

Clem identifies as nonbinary; hence the pronouns being they, them, and their instead of she/her or his/him.


Hey there, just a reminder to watch how you phrase questions! While non-binary is a wide spectrum and people prefer different pronouns (for example, genderfluid falls under the non-binary umbrella but some genderfluid people will prefer to use she/her and he/him versus they/them or other pronouns; ze/zim is an example of another variety of nb pronouns people may prefer), they/them is one of the most common ones. You may also note that the author specifically works to use they/them as singular–see their use of themself vs themselves–so the story itself clues you in that yes, it’s one person, and yes, Clem is non-binary.

The very first post lists all the main cast and their pronouns–while I understand having a legitimate question your phrasing comes off poorly, especially considering the author has already talked about themself and their own preferred pronouns (see the above quote).


that’s a good suggestion! thank you, i’ll add it to my notes

hmm, particularly if you’re playing a manipulative character that says one thing and does another, yes i can see what you mean. i’m wary of adding too many options and swamping myself, but going forward i’ll try to keep this perspective in mind. maybe i can implement a system that keeps track of how many lies you’ve told a la guenevere… thank you for sharing your thoughts

omg. well, that’s probably fair by some reckonings. i always wonder what makes gods so worthy of the kind of power they have, especially if they’re the kind of gods that don’t even attempt ‘perfection’. then they’re just super powered people, you know? at any rate, i’m glad you enjoyed the demo!

thank you!

oh wow, thank you so much! i don’t think you rambled too much at all, it was short and sweet :blush: i’m honored to have caught your attention so thoroughly

if you mean how choosing your favorite deity corresponds to which power you choose, it doesn’t! your power doesn’t have to be under the jurisdiction of your “favorite” (or just least hated) god at all. if you mean why i said each of the powers corresponded to a particular god, it’s got to do with what each god is in charge of, so to speak. cian is the god of time and the ocean, so the power that involves seeing the past is tied to him. ane is the god of relationships and intimacy, so the more interpersonal ability to read someone’s emotions is tied with them. and so on. i hope that helps! but if not, feel free to keep asking questions and i’ll answer as best i can :slight_smile:

you absolutely can be in good standing with more than one god! most choices will give you a tiny bump in approval or disapproval with various gods based on how that choice lines up with their values. the reason why i had players choose one particular god was because i thought it would be helpful (and perhaps more realistic) for the player to have at least one god on their side in the beginning

thank you!

as The_Black_Reaper and Dae-kalina have said, clem is nonbinary and thus uses singular they/them pronouns! i’m assuming you were just curious and i’m not angry, but, well, the thread isn’t that long and i have mentioned clem’s gender a time or two quite recently. i would appreciate it if anyone who has a question could at least skim to see if it’s already been addressed, at least as long as the thread isn’t too lengthy. thank you!



So, our power wouldn’t fluctuate or something just because the MC had a falling out with the corresponding deity? For example, if we pissed off Cian for some reason, he wouldn’t cause our powers to go haywire out of spite?

omg. well, that’s probably fair by some reckonings. i always wonder what makes gods so worthy of the kind of power they have, especially if they’re the kind of gods that don’t even attempt ‘perfection’. then they’re just super powered people, you know? at any rate, i’m glad you enjoyed the demo!

Either that or in the case of the Greek Pantheon, They’re Pretentious, incestuous Man-children who jealously guard their power and wrongfully punish anyone who says the slightest thing against them because they have a fragile ego. Or blame the human for being raped by the God instead of confronting your brother-Husband about his constant marital betrayals in Hera & Zeus’ case.

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As promised, I have a loose update plan for y’all. You can find it here: At Sixes and Sevens

a god could take away your power, perhaps, but probably not without just… straight up killing you. the magic is an intrinsic part of an individual, so tightly interwoven that you can’t separate it from the rest. if you piss off the gods they can definitely make your life hell, but not in that particular way i don’t think ;>

well, yes, there’s that too. the gods in the game aren’t really terrible along those specific, incestuous, rapey lines, but they have done some fucked up garbage that certainly isn’t going to endear them to anyone. that’s the problem with godhood. it’s nigh impossible to hold a god accountable for their actions and after a while even the best intentioned aren’t very good at regulating themselves.


wink wonk, gotta keep up w the brand :3 and it did !!! the entire thing blew my expectations out of the water and im still laying down on the ground and recovering from three play through (just u wait, my goal of 12 Will Be Reached before the weekend)

everything was so detailed and the range w the options, like mega fuck yeah this is the greatest thing ever :yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart:

I love your lore so far and after replay I am wondering could a very charismatic and cunning character convince a god or several maybe the tricksters to trying overthrown the others? It is something very common in mythology. And maybe could be a interesting feature. But maybe is too much work or not wht you have planned. It is just a question.


omf mars that’s so many… good luck on your quest!!

thank u!! and it looks like i’m going to be attempting to expand the range a little bit, so there’s that too

that is indeed a course of action i’ve been considering! you may have noticed that the gods already aren’t exactly a unified front…


Yes, when i replayed I notice certain jealousy or a dynamic strange like they were watching one to others as much as myself. So that’s why I asked. I just love cunning poisoning and persuasive subterfuge :wink:


Uh OK first I’m verry sorry if my English is not correct. I’ll try my best to tell you what I wanted to say but yes, I really really like the demo. I can imagine my character and the world around her, I can see her and Clem as children running in the street… Etc… :blush: And I definitely can’t wait to see more :ok_hand::100:


I just want to cheering you and saying your English is not bad. When I came here my English was far far worse than yours. Probably still is. People here is very supportive with people learning English and many are in your same situation like me for example. So don’t be shy to comment and if you don’t understand something some native or someone with good English skills will help you.


Your writing style is fantastic! I was instantly engaged, which I promise you is a feat because it’s typically hard for me to be interested in this type of time period for stories.

I love Clem! I love that we get to choose our dynamic with them! I’m non-binary, too, so it gave me like… literal feels that an involved main character is non-binary. I actually did wonder if the author was non-binary just because I felt that Clem was written more convincingly and naturally than most others’ attempts at being inclusive (not a dis to other writers! just… it is what it is lol). When we finally get a physical description of them, I was just like… ‘omg, this is how you do this, this is how you describe a gender nonconforming character.’

There’s real, actual immersion in this demo, more than some entire published games! The pacing is just right, slow enough to get acclimated to the universe but just right that it doesn’t feel like I’m just chugging through preliminary stats and customization choices.

I’ll be following closely, count me in with the other people falling in love with this game!


as mara said, please don’t be shy! your english is quite good, and even if it wasn’t i would still love to hear what you have to say. thank you for taking the time to comment :sparkling_heart:

to address the rest, i’m so glad that you enjoyed the demo and that you were able to visualize your character! i’m exited to keep writing. i hope what i have planned next will continue to interest you!

that’s fantastic to hear! if you don’t mind, could you tell me what time period it came across as? i seem to have been confusing in how i set that up. i’d like a few more opinions to help me fix that.

this… was an absolute delight to wake up to. you are exactly the kind of person i’m writing this for. including nonbinary options in COG titles and hosted games was only just becoming popular as i was coming to terms with my own gender and i still find myself getting excited when a character is explicitly nb, even if they’re just background. i was hoping that maybe others who felt the same might stumble over this game and be able to see themselves in it. i’m just so, so glad you feel this way, and i hope you’ll enjoy the other nb characters in the game as well <3

i’m honored to have you along for the ride!


All righty, everybody. I’ve put together a little update for the prologue and I just uploaded the files. This update includes:

  1. Some choices to break up the Worldbuilding Wall
  2. A short intro to all of the gods near the beginning. It’s not particularly substantive because that would get out of hand pretty fast, but it should give you a decent idea of what interactions with a particular god tend to be like
  3. A small handful of new choices to address poison_mara’s concerns. Again, these aren’t substantial, but I hope they’ll tide you over until the next big update
  4. Clarifications after certain choices (name, gift from parents, tattoo choice) to be sure you get what you want
  5. And a save system! (technically this has been up for a while because I wanted to see if it would work, but still)

This will probably be the last significant change I make to the prologue as I’m hoping to focus more on the next chapter from here on out. Please do keep pointing out any issues you have, though. I’ll make note of them and slip in changes as needed with other updates; it just won’t be my main focus anymore.

I hope y’all enjoy this mini update :blush:


time to replay another 5 times ig :3 and mintie!!! you’re doing amazing bb!!! I’m so excited to explore the update :smiley:

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Intriguing. I’m definitely excited for more of this one!

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