I bought a few games on the amazon app store (not that recently) but when I try to play on the website it keeps saying the game is not bought yet. I logged into the same account I purchased the games with but it keeps saying “restore complete item not purchased yet”. Each game I’ve tried I’ve owned for a while and never had this problem before
Is it cross platform or do I have to buy on each platform now? Were there any changes to CoG purchasing that I’m not aware of?
typically it’s in an email to the account linked to the app store. If not, there is a tab under my account on the web browser store that says “your orders” or something along those lines. You can see your orders from there.
Not sure about fire tablet. I only know about amazon app store on android. Under the orders tab double check that that is the account you’ve ordered the app on. Make sure to check the time frame of the orders displayed and try searching it. Other than that I’m not sure.