Anyone like playing the Damsel in Distress?

you know, actually don’t mind it. if it’s written well (i’ve come across some that’s just super cringey… looks at most app store otome games bonus points if you can be a …dude? in distress… idk, what’s the opposite of damsel? lol


You might want to try out Imprisoned, one of the earliest Hosted Games :thinking: It’s free!

“Studsel”? :thinking: I don’t know, I just made that up :stuck_out_tongue:


There was a game called Lads in Distress where you play as a woman knight and have to save guys lol


I would love to save lads in distress while being a lad myself :smirk: and then become a lad in distress and get saved by another lad, or maybe one of the first lads… :flushed:


To be honest I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the trope. It’s more how said damsel in distress is portrayed. Nothing is more offputting than a woman not being able to do anything for herself (especially when she is more than capable to do something)

I like the idea the video brought in about characters helping each other. It prevents stories becoming redundant and one-sided.


What about if they were placed in a situation where being helpless is the only option?

Like a super badass human femme fatale is put in a world where the weakest creatures are Lovecraftian level but for some reason she is saved by someone then comes plot?

Although that would certainly mean the Mc would be useless, and perhaps the Mc’s saving grace would be able to influence her savior somehow. Like a champion or something?

Well I don’t know. If the work made it that they couldn’t do anything at the time, then I think that’s fine.

I’m talking about complacent women that expect people that do everything for her than doing something for herself.

Ugh. You should come to the Philippines and observe. Most men and women here in highschool talk about equality. But when it comes to the heavylifting or any activity at all, the men bow the women out and the women be like ( yeah cause we’re female).

Basically I wouldn’t like that trope as well if portrayed in that manner.

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Convoluted and fun. So basically saving each other and generally being epic fails?


Or instead of the agency to protect themselves how about:

Do you think that would be enjoyable?

as a filipino, i am appalled because this is actually true… :frowning: but also to be honest i dont mind being the damsel in distress but if its always then honestly it would make me feel useless? not that u were intending that but the best damsel in distress moment was in DAO for me as well as in Mass effect

Spoilers for ME and DA

Dragon age origins had this thing were the protagonist gets kidnapped by the bad guys but u had an option prior to this that u could kill all ur captors but it would be incredibly difficult and u had to have a good strategy but u would miss out on ur companions saving you and honestly it was the best fucking thing throughout the whole game cuz banter between companions was gold and being saved by ur LI warmed my heart…

As for mass effect after getting ur mind blown, literally, by the creators of the enemy species you sort of get disabled due to it affecting u mentally and ur LI had to rescue u, it was a short scene, but damn did i love it…

so i guess im saying as long as u handle it well by either making the story and companions likable enough that i wont be annoyed that my mc is useless at this moment or more of a weakness at the moment experience then i do not mind being or playing a damsel in distress…


That’s kind of what I meant when I said the MC could play the support role to their savior’s warrior. I’m not sure how familiar you are with these terms, but support would essentially someone who provides buffs (usually spells/effects that increase attack, decrease an enemies defenses/accuracy, etc, things like that), heals (self-explanatory), or some other archetype that I can’t think of off the top of my head at the moment, lol.

But yes, I would find that immensely enjoyable.

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edit: woops, I thought I was editing this post, not making a new one. sorry everyone! :sweat_smile:

Anyway, Off-Topic DA Gushing!!!!


I willingly skipped the chance to get Ser Cauthrien’s sword just so I could see Oghren and Sten save Alistair and I as circus performers, or Leliana and Morrigan sneaking in as Chantry priests!!! Ahhh, I love that mission!!! :heart_eyes:

OK, ok, back on topic. :blush:


Umm, I am a bit familiar with the term since I grew up with Rpg’s and MMORPG (Dragon Nest is still the best PvP mmorpg ever.

But the concept I was talking about involved the Mc :influencing: his/her savior/champion. Like: hey champ focus on this so you can help me with that. Or focus on strength instead of speed cause.

As a fighter or support, the damsel in this concept is still very useless. But the Mc is a badass in his/her world. Just not in a world where the weakest creatures comprises of Lovecraft’s worst horrors.

Thanks, you really are so helpful!

It is true isn’t it? I learned to just shut up the first several times it has happened. And when I ask the women to do something, the males like no you can’t their female. Then I level them with a deadpan stare, reallly? So you saying their weak bruh? And he’s like noooo. Oh wait this has become rather off-topic. Are there rules against this?


Same XD which is why its a great example of being a damsel in distress because A)its not forced upon you and B)its a fun way to actually show the MC isnt the powerful God that everyone thinks u are and can be a way to show that even u have your weakest moments and its good to have allies

@JustinM XD yes it is and as a female too when i try to do work thats usually suitable for guys they keep telling me leave it let the men do it and i get annoyed because im like i have hands too ffs… but also yep were a bit off topic lol and there are rules but as long as we relate it to the OP’s post its fine! which is also why im not fond of the damsel in distress trope not unless its done properly see examples i listed awhile ago xD

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Omg do you still live in the Philippines? I feel like we could be friends!!!

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I could never really do that one after talking myself out of the prison… :sweat_smile: It just felt mean to have my people come in and kill all the guards when Alistair and I could just pretend to be recruits and walk out… (I think we still had to kill one guy, but everyone else survived… until the darkspawn invaded, I mean… :sweat:)


oh no worries i never take the option myself but the loot drops are amazing so i only do it to get the loot drops XD but then i leave one guard alive to kill me and they all magically revive lol xD im that mean also as much as i love fangirling anything BW XD im afraid we a bit off topic lmao! so if u wanna keep chatting pm me :slight_smile: thanks!

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Two birds in one ridiculous stone, yeah?

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Lol, I would 100% play that.

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Count me that would be fun.

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