An Unexpectedly Green Journey (orc life-simulator) [1.5+ Million Words] OUT NOW!

February 6th will see An Unexpectedly Green Journey strapped down and forced to accept its second patch. Sadly, this will mean a reset of all progress.

I know this enrages orcs. It did last time. So, as a feeble offering to sate Krog’s anger, I will provide a tattoo hut on your tribal ground- a little bit of extra content.

Green will also be on sale, on Steam, for the week beginning the 6th of February.

Information for this, and all the bug fixes, follows:


-A few typos have been corrected.

-Fixed various loot bugs, in some of the Adventurer Guild quests, which set your loot to a specified value instead of adding to it.

-Likewise, fixed a bug in some of the Grandardgard orc jobs which set loot to a value instead of adding to it.

-Fixed it so that if you dismiss your adventuring party during the party selection screen they no longer pop up in some adventurers. The party is always dismissed properly when you leave the guild and finish quests. Previously, they sometimes weren’t if you merely ‘dismissed’ them within the guild.

-Removed a repeated ageing variable in the pup barracks. Don’t want to hasten the onset of old githood.

-Added ageing to the tribal ‘stirring’ job. Previously, this monotonous task didn’t age you allowing you to do it forever.

-Fixed the values in the Trickledown ‘protect the halflings’ job which gave you incorrect boosts to relations with the halfling faction.

-Fixed ability to cast spells when hunting monsters in the Jagged Divide guild quest.

-Added an extra check on the holy city path. Not strictly a bug. Before, if your city was mismanaged, you could get locked into a death spiral even if you had progressed in Krog’s plans. Have given the player a bit more leniency if they have followed Krog’s direction several times and have had the ‘fourth dream’, though you can still enrage the revolting masses.

-If you managed to recruit Green Skinner, sometimes the description of your improved goblin fighters didn’t display correctly in the relevant stats screen. It should now.

-When fighting other orc hard nuts in the Plains, north of your tribe, a certain fight wasn’t triggering the correct variable. Fixed now.

-Fixed a bug which meant you only encountered one event during the tribe ‘hugger’ job. Now, you can access a few more orcs in need of a great big hug to cheer up.


-Your orc can now get up to 50 different tattoos and body adornments. These are mostly cosmetic and do not affect the wider story.

-Visit Dadoo’s Doodah tent in the tribal hubs, including the old orc hub and in some of the hubs for the Green Emperor path. Dadoo’s Doodah tent is not available in the late game Emperor path, or the Dark and Shaman Holy City paths.

-Some tattoos can be picked up during normal events in your young orc’s life.

-Most tattoos must be paid for. Many can only be acquired if you have completed certain events. Most tattoos give you a stats boost and, occasionally, a stats penalty.

-Added an achievement for orcs who get covered with tats.

-Added an extra stats screen to keep track of your tattoos and adornments. This becomes available once you have completed your Coming of Rage ritual.

Stick those spear tips through your snouts and burn the glory of the Dust Clan into your hides!


Does everyone know how to recruit the Green Skinner goblins in my Army?

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Hi Revan,

For this, you must have directed your kingdom towards diplomacy or culture, rather than purely military, in order to open up the throne room visits.

Green Skinner is an orc slaughtering human hero, who is sometimes dragged to you when you visit the throne room. She isn’t there all the time so you will have to keep an eye out. Don’t execute her but throw her in the fighting pits. When given a chance, have your shaman brainwash her with his nasty concoctions. Then she’ll become your goblin trainer and make these little gits even more vicious.


If the MC’s Faith is also strong enough and/or is Krog’s Chosen



Thanks for clarifying, mate. You know this stuff better than me now!

Patch 2 is out, with a little bit of extra content.

The game is on sale on all platforms for the following week, starting 6th February.

If you ever wanted to be an orc, now’s your chance.

If you have never wanted to be an orc, why not play one and get it killed?


Yeah only thing with that is all the side stories and extra choices feel meaningless once I realize ultimately I’m railroaded into the same exact spot every playthrough. Journey has been the first I’ve read that felt truly different with every path. As much as I love Daria for example it’s a very large railroad track. Your listed examples are smaller railroad tracks (sorry)



Thanks for your comments, mate, so glad you enjoyed your time in the world of Krog Pile, even if you bashed it up a bit on your way to greatness.

I think Green has taken a more old school approach than many HG and CoG games, which I didn’t realise when I first started making it. Generally, most CoG and HG books have a strong central narrative and use characters to move the plot along.

Green does not have a central narrative, the MC must find their own in the world. Events move the story on, rather than characters, since I have the aging mechanic.

I purposely tried to write in the style of Fighting Fantasy. Of course, choicescript allows more freedom, and greater size, than traditional paper gamebooks.

The follow-up, A Shriek of Ash and Fire, is more narrative driven, though will still be mainly event driven with diverging paths and loads of choices. The narrative is a loose frame but it will need some anchor points. I hope it will still feel relatively freeform, though will have a greater narrative pull for the MC.

I am just so chuffed that many liked Green, despite it not fitting the usual mould- it fits an even older mould!

At the end of the day (before it gets dark) it shows that HG and CoG has room for stories all along the sliding scale of


Hopefully there’s something for everyone.


Like u write “Green does not have a central narrative, the Mc Must find their own”.

that why people like it. The story don’t try to please us the players.

That how great story are :grinning:

Till next time.

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What future plans do you have for this game alongside A Shriek of Ash and Fire? If I find anything good from both stories, and possible content ideas. I’ll let you know what to add in both games

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Hi mate, massive appreciation for those comments. I certainly wanted players to enjoy it. I listened to feedback and tried to incorporate lots of the most appropriate, but made sure it was always my (forgive this sounding pretentious) ‘vision’.

Have some loot fellow warrior of the horde!
:coin: :gem:


Always appreciate hearing your ideas mate.

I do want to have a DLC for Green at some point. Closer to the time, I will float ideas in the forum here, on Tumblr and Patreon (for all members of all tiers, including free members). Not sure when. Perhaps between the Shriek of Ash and Fire books- although I can’t promise that yet.

A Shriek of Ash and Fire will be 2 books. I have decided to end book 1 before we arrive in Drekiana’s Wish as it is already getting very long. After I finish with the royal, rebel and Basilisk paths on the crawler, then I will complete the Cold Pact Crawler/Brakka and New Yeirshee Road Pirate paths.

Then, we will be approaching the end point. After some events detailing your travels into the greater Depths of Zthullu, we will approach a very sinister living city…

A Shriek of Ash and Fire 2 will continue the story, eventually returning to a Behatland overcome by continental warfare.

When Ash and Fire is done, if I haven’t already, I will look at the Green dlc again.

So hopefully we can have something I am calling the ‘Krog Pile Arc’

Part 1- An Unexpectedly Green Journey + DLC(s)

Part 2- A Shriek of Ash and Fire books 1 and 2

Part 3- An adventure far in the future, in space, where you will play a Scorned Elf. This will include a short prologue game where you will play a different MC to the main game, an MC who might be the main game’s MC’s potential love interest, or not…

In an ideal world, people would like my work and stick with me until I complete it all! As for now, this is wishful thinking.