An Unexpectedly Green Journey (orc life-simulator) [1.5+ Million Words] OUT NOW!

That is really deep.


Which leaves me another question, if Krog is a Warrior Orc God with only One Eye, why is he Hydrophobic? He thinks the sea is a devious plot by other races to stop Orcs from reaching them and roaming around, and he hates baths (That is the lamest reason for an Orc God to justify this. It is like the explanation why cats hate baths).


Haha! Good question.

Why wouldn’t a warrior be scared of water? He can’t defeat the sea- maybe that is reason enough- for a real-life historical parallel, see King Canute and the Sea ( King Canute and the tide - Wikipedia).

Krog is not a wise god and would surely have misgivings about the things that are beyond him.

But, the fact that Krog hates baths- is a reason conjured up by insane shamans to explain away things they don’t understand. In truth, being plantoid, orcs should be fine with rivers- though the sea’s salt water is as much an enemy to them as most land life.

Also, orc culture is dirty- they enjoy ‘stink.’ Do not mistake them for elves who waft around in perfumed clouds.


Orctober is coming :money_mouth_face:


:green_square: :boar:

For Krog, for Big Chief Boss, for Loot and a bellyful of Runts!!!


Ouch, guess that explains that



I know you are a loremaster, Patrick- such questions must be answered :smiley:


Is the official release going to have the cheats or no?



The Crone of Fates is still in the game- and all the benefits she may bestow upon you.


This game will be released this Thursday, October 3rd!
You can play the first part here for free starting today: An Unexpectedly Green Journey


Awesome! I’m excited for this one!



Thank you Alethia Knights, alias Pistachio Pug- reviewer extraordinaire! It feels like I am in the presence of a superhero!


Big thanks to K for smoothing out the daunting process of going from WIP to Release. It would have been anxiety-inducing without you.

Also, I should thank all the editor folks who went through our teeny tiny orc game. My feeble code surely made it a chore to follow the thread, when reading the scene files from top to bottom. Way to go slaughtering my terrible semicolons!

Soon, the orcs will be unleashed, to bash things and shout at the sky in the hope that folks pay them some attention.


Awwwww, you’re sweet, but I’m no superhero. You’re the one who wrote a 1.5 million-word game. I’m just the dweeb who stands there in the aftermath declaiming with bumptious eloquence, “Although he was much faster than any bullet and more powerful than all but the most robust locomotives, I couldn’t help noticing it took him no fewer than three bounds to leap over a rather modest skyscraper.”

Seriously though, this might be the most ambitious project I’ve ever seen from a first-time ChoiceScript writer, and what I’ve seen in the demo looks absolutely delightful.


I have noticed that the title sound is looping- this might be due to an over-eager fix. I desperately want that to stop looping before release- a simple fix, but it is cutting it fine!

Hope novelty wardrum embellishment doesn’t ruin release day…


So uhh how long is the demo? At what point will it end?


It should stop before you reach the age of 33.

EDIT: I will be taking the title music out. It doesn’t end correctly. The command I used in testing, which halted the sound, doesn’t parse at the HG end. It’s probably something I’ve done- but the sound is not important, I just wanted it for added flavour.

A reader can imagine awesome eardrums at the starting screen.



Hmm… this is kind of a risky choice.

If you make updates to your game, I believe Google Play will take some time to approve the update before it can be applied. How much time it takes is the tricky part, it could be a few hours, or a few days. If it’s a few hours, then no problem, but if it is a few days, the game may update itself after release, which may interrupt the progress of people who are currently playing the game.

Risky decision either way… I’m not sure if I can advise you on an ideal course of action.

Edit, if you do decide to update the files, send an email to K. as soon as the workday begins in the US, which is about 3-4 hours from this writing.



Yep. have already sent a message. I did late last night anticipating a response in the morning (UK time)- but found that K responded very quickly to the original message last night (UK time), which I missed.

Not sure if there is time. But, the sound not clicking off after the title- for silent games like these- will annoy some people instantly and provoke bad reviews, Which I do not want to do.

My brain is misfiring right now with slightly rational but mostly irrational panic.

EDIT: On the plus side of a negative, the sound does not loop but plays in its entirety before and after the title screen.

EDITEDIT: Curse this round earth, its daily revolutions and its forsaken system of time zones!!!


On a most basic level, if it’s a bug, then get it fixed. Annoying, but anyone who buys COG’s is used to this happening during releases where you constantly get thrown back to the beginning of the chapter for the first week or so, actual bugs are going to annoy them more


Thank you for reminding of that horror :joy: