An Unexpectedly Green Journey (orc life-simulator) [1.5+ Million Words] OUT NOW!

FIXES FOR INCOMING PATCH (Should be sometime next week)
This list may well be added to as things come up

-A few typos.
-Demon bug, where you are corrupted although the shaman does not recognise it and won’t heal it.
-Added *page_break after enemy horde braces to declutter the screen during raider battles.
-Expanded the scope of some variables during a scene on the Dark Path which has given the ‘no choices’ error. This bug, rare as far as I know, came up in two reports, although I am still unsure as to the direct cause.
-Will add an option to choose to see the in-game art or not. Although, some maps will always show up due to their role in the story. (Stat screen maps, adventurer guild maps and the battle maps for barracks training)
-Repeated fight during the Flotsam arena encounters.
-Minimising the debuff after you have enacted Krog’s blessing to whoop the demon orc.
-Adding age checks for arena training events to ensure your orc cannot train for centuries!
-Adding a stats page describing your orcs base attributes.
-Adding a few extra achievements
-Putting diplomatic relations on their own stats page to declutter the main stats page. This ties in to other variables and may cause future problems so have to have a good look.
-Putting military matters could also do with having their own stat page. Same issues as above> Will take a closer look.
-Allow the player to change back into light armour after leaving the Green legion. (You can already change back into your shaman garb.)

Things for a future patch (These I need to consider for a bit)

-Adding page breaks to prevent stat screen ‘cheat’ during fights involving random die rolls. -I may have to be selective here as some sections are very heavy with random rolls and page breaks might prove cumbersome or slow the pacing too much. Feedback and opinions on this are very appreciated.
-Putting prices in initial choices when buying stuff- Have to be careful of the length of the choice text and the use of shop owners pouring scorn on poor orcs.
-Some unexpected stats during the shaman city building section- This was very hard to code and I worry that messing with it could derail it entirely.
-Extending the time between events during the shaman city-building path.
-Adding more comments for an orc with an undefeated record in the arena.
-No slave and diverse army achievements