All the Way (WIP, 1990s, Supernatural Horror/Thriller)

yes,but i have a good news——when i restart ,the bug is disappear

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Glad to hear! I think I have a good idea of what might have generated that error. The next time I work on the game I’ll try to add a bit of code that I think will help prevent that from occurring again, at least in that section of the game. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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So, to begin with, sadly no update yet, not even a bug fix one, though I hope to get one done this quarter - probably in march or late february, but we shall see.

As I’m sure most of you have heard, sadly the Dashingdon website that we all knew and loved that hosted pretty much all the games on here is now on hospice and shall be off to silicon heaven before we know it. With that being the case, pretty much most of the creators on here have been scrambling to port game files over to the new site, and so, I am happy to say all of my better known projects have now been saved there - including the files for this game, All the Way

Here is an excerpt from a post on another of my threads that should give you all the links to all those projects - enjoy!


Just a heads up that I am probably going to push back the planned update for All the Way to quarter 2 (hopefully early quarter 2) as I am behind on my schedule due to various reasons. I apologies for the delay and appreciate your interest in my game. For those following Dice & Dungeon Masters the same delay for that game is also likely.

Lastly, I did want to mention, for those that were concerned, my other games, Lives of the Star Child, The Ice King’s Call, and Super Sorority are still alive and not dead - they are just on hiatus. I won’t have time to update any of them, or fix any of the bugs that resulted from moving to the new website with a newer version of Choice Scripts, for some time - as such they were achieving a viewing rating that I didn’t think was proportional to their potential worth, thus the reason that they will no longer be available in the public listing until I have time to actively work on them.

I will post here again and update on COG demos website when the update is finally ready in probably a couple months or so.