A Thousand Years of Orchids

And while I cant neccicarily help with the coding…I can help you with and writing stuff…I fancy myself a author so I think I may be able to help



Sorry, had to do that. Worse problem I’ve dealt with as a Grammar Nazi so far.

@Greenwolf, it’s nice of you to offer, but it wouldn’t be own story if someone else authored parts for me. xD

Just wanted to comment on the historicity of homosexuality in China. Before the late ninteenth to twentieth centuries, homosexuality was treated similarly to the way it was treated in classical rome and greece. It was acknowledged as a normal facet of life and sometimes even encouraged. Many homosexual men took wives, not to hide their sexuality, but to prolong their family line. So every love interest being bisexual feels to me to have some basis in history.

I would recommend using master instead of Shifu, as Shifu seems weird, a chinese han yu pin yin in a english sentence.

@Xt1000305, I struggled with this decision for a long time. I dislike the word myself, but seeing as the rest of the world is fine with using it…

Wikipedia claims sifu is a “common romanization,” have you ever seen that used?

I actually like shifu. It gives a better feel to the culture, like using the word “sensei” in a japanese story.

Shifu gives the game a good feel to it, keep it!

Yah, I was going to say the same thing but it kinda doesnt matter to me but I think shifu seems more original and that feel for the atmosphere of the story

‘Master’ seems too well-used, it’s like those shoes you bought a while ago. They still fit you and are not broken, but you really wouldn’t mind new shoes.

@trollhunterthethird I wore the same pairs of shoes for 6 years… six long years… but they were really sexy shoes one of the best I ever had.

@2Ton my feet won’t stop growing so new shoes are a regular thing for me.

I think you’ve stolen the genes I’m supposed to have. I’ve been a size seven for the last year or so. Plus I swear one pair of my shoes grew with me, they were a size 3 yet lasted till I was size 6.

The game is really good by the way, I like the idea of the mystical side as well as the more realistic setting.

@jacobb21 If it makes you feel any better I’m considered a ‘Gene defect’ because all of my family have Brown eyes, blondy brown hair, tanned skin, and kind are of small. I on the other hand have a sickly pale complection with brown (Almost black) hair and light eyes, plus I’m considered tall so I guess I’m the oddball in the family.

@trollhunterthethird Dont worry im the oddball in my family everyone in my family atleast the men, are all above 6’4 by the age of 16 but im 19 almost 20 and 5’6 outta older people in my family who are like borderline 7 foot my little big brother is just turning 12 and is 5’9

See I feel bad because although I’m taller than most of the people in my family all of the people at my school are a lot taller than me.

@jacobb21 Better than being one of the youngest in your school, that REALLY sucks.

But being older than a lot of the people who are taller than me doesn’t feel great either.

@trollhunterthethird Being taller than a lot of the people who are older doesn’t make me feel great.

Yah, exactly think about if you have younger siblings who are 7 years your junior and they are taller than you I already know my lil brother is gonna be above 6’7 he is already a mini shaq compared to me. I have other little brothers I dont see them much but when I do they are already almost up to eye level with me and im the oldest brother in my house

@trollhunterthethird Suuuure it doesnt, and also its weird to be a short guy I guess its weird to be a tall girl but still its more awkward to be a short guy.