While working around with ChoiceScript, an idea came into my mind. I wanted to make a normal stat button (which I know how to make) but that will take you to a completely different stat page. The page that button would take you to won’t be a normal page that will display stats. It would contain several buttons (or choices; whatever is easier to do) that would allow you to decrement a variable and to increase another (i.e. a button that when clicked will let you drink a health potion that would decrement the healthpotion variable by one and that would increase the hp variable by 5; that button would only work if the variable healthpotion would have a greater value than 0). The page would have to contain several buttons/choices, that will let you decrease/increase certain variables according to other variables. I know the basic HTML (how to make titles/text/text types) but nothing near to making these advanced stuff I mentioned above.
By now, you’re maybe thinking, why don’t I include an option to drinking potions at every choice? Well, my game has hundreds of those choices, and doing so would be entirely impractical (not to mention less-appealing).
So, if you know JavaScript/HTML, could you give a try to making what I’ve said above, if you want to/have time to? I’d very much appreciate it.