Writing Villains for a Story

2nd mc more powerful than so why shadow, keep the first only long enough to make death hurt and player hate villain

If the purpose of the first MC is to die just to hate the villain then in my opinion that’s just pointless and a waste if time.

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but then you have to create some sort of…relation between the 1st MC and the 2nd MC for the player to give a damn about the death of the 1st MC . Otherwise…they wouldn’t care if the 1st MC died . More powerful doesn’t mean anything , if you have for exemple in a game everyone worshipping and comparing the 2nd MC deeds and comparing them to the 1st MC . He could be powerful…power wise , but he could also be the dumbest being ever where the 1st MC is wiser and gentle or whatever .

True but the ability (said where I’d steal it from)would more be passing on attributes than skill and would simply give the 2nd mc more time to develop these attributes and learn skills however you and @No_This_Is_Patrick are both right in why killing first mc is a bad move

it can work , just would need ALOT of work…and good ideas and twist to make it unique and worth it . :slight_smile:

Oh, sounds like a good, depressing stuff.
Heh hehe :smiling_imp:

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Has that ever happened?

I’m rereading the manwha/comic Tarot Café, as I just found out it’s being re-releashed as a collector’s edition, and that made me all hyped.

It really reminded me how much I love clever villains, who are manipulating everything from behind the scenes, and especially how I love the characters where you are never really sure what side they are on, and what their plan is.
I can only hope to one day be a good enough writer to pull such things off!

It also reminded me how everyone sees their own selfish reasoning as completely justified and rightious.

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No but it would be a change and unexpected and different from all the , the hero always wins, stories

If it’s that boring just stop playing games and turn on the news. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thing is if everyone starts doing the same things to be original, that would actually inadvertently make it generic, wouldn’t it?


I sort of did something similar with Death Song and Necromancer though it was a bit in reverse.

Necromancer was the story with the villain protagonist winning and then Death Song had a reluctant hero protagonist ultimately losing. Though he can get a “good” death.

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