Would an internal saving feature work with the 'bookmark' feature

Warning: a little bit of a rant.

With all due respect, but I don’t buy it. CJW’s save plugin has been around for a while and it’s readily available to any game uploaded on DashingDon with minimal setup. It’s not so much the technical difficulty, it is just unwillingness.

There are other features I’d consider more important, that have also been requested, and never even got a reply. How about loops? Or a native function to check the highest stat? Every other day there’s someone asking about how to do that. Considering how stat-heavy ChoiceScript games are, this should have been incorporated a long time ago. By the way, you can easily get that with this library that I wrote with CJW and choicehacker.

It is not a matter of implementation, I know for a fact implementing it would take 30 minutes at most. I can literally do that with a single line of JavaScript using the *script command.

CJW implemented a native function to help to work with arrays and submitted the code to ChoiceScript’s repository. The code has been collecting dust for months without a single reply. And from what I understand they had already agreed to the idea before CJW wrote the first line of code.

Look, far from me to tell CoG how to run their business, but let’s be honest, any success they have is because of the community and the creators, and in spite of CoG’s stances.

Anyway, back to the topic:

I built this tool to help with exactly that.