Will this allways mean we help the constitutional monarchy? I honnestly thought that would just make the people happy and make them more likelly to suport me slowly taking back power lol
What kind of reforms are there other than the establishment of the House of Commons and the granting of the right to submit bills?
What kind of law does this game have?
Nope, I do not like the Eagle.
But based premise
Yes and no, if you give the Shura more power then you have simply introduced a check to your own legally speaking but the people will love you for it and with the support of the people anything (be that legal or illegal) can be done.
Augis Sinnah was crowned because of the support of Riyasanis not because of some law so by making the House of Commoners you will increase your influence on the expense of your legal powers.
There will be a lot of reforms for various aspects of the government.
Some examples of the said reforms:
The abolition of the Shura, choosing a state religion, making new imperial departments, etc.
Pretty promising
@RedEmperor that makes a lot of sense thanks for the clarification!!
Cant wait to become a Tyrant! Speaking of that what if your character is so evil that the populist will cite a revolution against you and sparking a civil war.
Oh, there will be revolutions right, left and center!
By the way, is there any policy or mechanism regarding the judicial system in this game? I’m interested because I’ve learned about criminal justice in college.
There are courts for all the sub divisions of the Empire. (except for baronies, the lords are expected to solve the issue themselves. If it is not solved then it goes to the Viscounty Court.)
Courts of the Riyasanian Empire.
Court of the Empire of Riyasan. (Imperial Court)
Court of the Kingdom of X (Regal Court)
Court of the Duchy/Archduchy of X (Duchy Court)
Court of the County of X (County Court)
Court of the Viscounty of X (Viscounty Court)
More details.
Every court has three judges presiding over the matter being discussed. If any party (defendant or prosecution) can’t afford a lawyer then one is assigned to them or they could speak for themselves. There are no government fees for filing a case but a citizen cannot file more than 1 case in a month without paying.
The judges for the courts are selected from only the civil service of the Empire, private citizens cannot became judges without being a part of the civil service. All matters except treason can be judged in any court. (only the Imperial Court can judge treason)
The lawyers can be either civil servants or private citizens.
The Court of the Empire.
The Imperial Court is the Sovereign themselves. Any decision by any court can be overturned by the Imperial Court. The Sovereign can also appoint their representatives, who can judge in place of the Sovereign.
The decisions of the Imperial Court can be forced to change if 51% of the Shura votes against the decision. In such scenarios, the court has to rejudge the case.
ok, is it possible to change these structures, for example by introducing a jury system?
Yes, there would be the option to reform every major department. The jury system however, will cost the treasury so you would need to have enough funds to implement it.
Hmm. just rememeber, we are but one man who maybe has 30 year to implement theese changes, and something too radical, like shaking the country to its core will need alot of effort and time to do,
Anyways are there any dukes or kings in our empire that will offer us suitors?
Hereditary, seat passed from father to son
Can you explain more about Shura, which you have mentioned here? @RedEmperor
There are dukes and kings and Queens of the Empire and one of them will be a RO
The Shura can’t propose bills but they can raises issues for discussion and voting. For example, if the Imperial Court decides to sentence someone to death then a member of the Shura reserves the right to challenge this by debating and convincing others against the decision.
After debates have concluded (a week after the start of the discussion) , there will be a voting session in which the Shura will make up its mind about the judgment of the Court.
If 50% of the Shura is against the decision (50% would be in favour) then nothing is done about it as it is not the will of the majority.
If at least 51% of the Shura is against it then the Sovereign, is legally obliged to reverse the decision. The Shura however, can’t dictate what it wants the decision of the court to be, only that it doesn’t like this decision.
And how does an individual become a Shura? Does the individual needs to be of a noble lineage?
Be born a noble male and become the Head of your family.
Thanks for the answer
Will we be getting opportunities to make MC’s allies to join the Shura?
This can actually grant MC to have total control over Shura which will make MC have absolute power over the kingdom
Alright i have general questions for you,
1.Whats the current size, equipment and composition of the army?
2.Whats the current status of the fleet?
3.Are there any noble houses we need to know about?
4.Whats the population andnsize of the empire?
5.Any foreign powers we need to worry about?
and how big is the empire