WIP: Fallen Hero 2: Retribution - updated 27 april 2019 (pre-adult version)

Good thing I took a piece of her. We will end her. Me and my legions. We fight as one. How can she possibly stop us. Our attacks will tear her apart.

Or put this in her room. That will get you all the attentio you need. Just have a quick exit when she spots you. Because I hear she bites.

oh oh…no! I’m not romancing argent! Lol She is too scary for my taste !

#OrtegaForLife :kissing_heart:

Putting that thing on her room sounds like an ideal way to gain one of those face wounds so many protagonist get that go vertical trough the eyebrow and slightly above the cheek but mysteriously leave the eye itself intact making them all the more appealing.


I hope you’re not underestimating Argent. She’s strong, as well as extremely smart (smarter than I’m afraid we give her credit for). Not to mention she’s a fighter through and through, and unafraid of rising up to any challenge thrown at her. If there was one character in the game I would say has a legitimate chance at outsmarting the MC, it’s Argent.

My MC respects Lady Argent for these very reasons (and the feeling is mutual). She can prove to be a peerless ally if we somehow have to team up with, or fight alongside the heroes against a greater threat in the future.

I’m wary of romancing her because she is the one character who’s so wildly unpredictable. I’m gonna do it though. YOLO.


I wish we knew moar personal stuff on her to write endless fics. :stuck_out_tongue:


yeah…I agree with you…

she give me ‘survivor’ Vibes…like…of all the rangers , I think she be the one you have alot in commun…

In my universe everyone conforms or they die. So it’s up to her. I’ve kept things friendly with her. Personally I think Steel is the most dangerous. Argent might be smart or a good fighter but soo is steel. And unlike Argent Steel is a focused warior. Not to mention that he is the closest person to finding out what we are. Argent likes to fight head on. Steel on the other hand thinks first and punches later.


I think that the most dangerous one…is one self lol…

we can be our worst ennemy in the end .

when you think about it , no matter the path we choose…we are going in a self destruct way , its just the BOOM will be different for each path . Some BOOM will take peoples down with us…other BOOM will only take us…


Agreed. It’s even more prominent because we have the option to choose ourselves as own nemesis.

That’s what makes this story so poignant. I don’t think I’ve ever related to a MC as much as I do in Fallen Hero, and I’m sure a lot of people feel that way.


New update

It’s not exactly surprising anymore, but I can’t help but notice Ortega abandoned his tip on Hollow Ground in a heartbeat when Sidestep called.


Yeah. And when the puppet calls instead they just bring them along to spy on HG see if something explodes and they end up in the hospital again. Yaaay.

That’s when you realize they’r an asshole to anyone besides yourself :grin:



Well the MC was ready to apologize to Steel despite their history. Though I suppose being unprepared to apologize to someone the MC actually loves does sort of fit the MC at the moment.

:cry: My MC volunteered to help Ortega with Hollow Ground. Maybe that scene just hasn’t been written or posted yet? Inviting my MC’s puppet but not the MC… the fires of jealousy :imp:.

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thats different…

when the mc apologize to Steel…its more to gain points with him . He found you in their kitchen , you are in the HQ…so you can be polite and play the ‘‘This is normal behavior…I say sorry (Or snap at him)’’ .

The text at one point in the apology path includes “Have I misjudged him?” so it seemed to me my MC was sincerely apologizing, if without specifics.

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yeah but how did that route end up though ? :smirk: beside…I think the ‘Heartfelt apologies , filled with sadness and tons of kleenex and spill out your guts over all the regrets’’ …are things that probably happen in the critical decision . In Later books…

oh and don’t forget ! Technicly , we were missing (considered dead) for years!!! and we are back . Everyone is still getting used to you being back and alive and well .

Me too! It makes for easier tracking. Mine looks something like:


I wish too! I tried writing her but… ehhhh… :joy:

My MC is so not happy about this too :rage: and bringing a civilian to that place? Really, Ortega?


lolol…she or he…probably though…a)puppet would give me a good exuse b) it just a watch - snoop around , low risk kinda of things and c) if things were to heat up.,…which I doubt they will…what could happen with me there ? I can handle it! Pfffffffffffffffffff…

MC: Ortegah!!! What the hell do you think you were doing taking my Pupp-…cough…Puppy to a dangerous place like that ?!
Ortega: I didn’t…wait…what puppy ?
MC: Don’t change the subject ! It was reckless and dangerous !! and you know it!
Ortega: It was just coffee !! I swear…it wasn’t supposed to go that way !
MC: You should’ve invited MEH Insteaaaad! I was your Sidekick in the past…I know how to deal with that stuff !
Ortega: You bailed on meh , and it just came out of the blueee…
MC: you have a phone! use it !
Ortega: ARGHH! it was just coffee and how did you even know where I went and with whome anyway ?
MC: Put on Xena pose I have many Skillz !


I swear…boredom will be my worst ennemy…lol

so just for laugh…


MC walk on ortega who is pouring over a letter . At her raised eyebrow , Ortega sigh and wave the letter in her hand .
Ortega: from the fans…we get them since we are ‘celebrity’ now and then…sigh
MC: Ohhh…is it a love stuck fan ?
Ortega: sigh depand on the day I guess…
MC: so what does that one say ?
Ortega: Its about…cough…that coffee outing I had with…uh…my date ?
Ortega: shake head I’m not gonna hear the end of this one…clear throath dear Ortega , way to go taking a dreamy girl to a shithole of a coffee place ! really classy Maybe I should date her instead and her longevity will rise . Best regard A Better BF then you !
MC: ouach…
Ortega: I know right ? I mean…really ?

*Herald walk in *

Herald : you think thats bad ? I keep getting emails from someone calling themself ‘OrangeHood’ and they keep talking about ‘Legion’…‘DESTROY’…I’m afraid of turning my computer on now! even less reading the mail !!

*Steel join in out of nowhere , stomping loudly in the room *

Steel: At least you have a name , all I got is a wall of text with ‘I’M SORRY STEEL’’…written like 100000 times over and over…who is letting this stuff pass ? I though we had someone who read the mail before they are forwarded to us…

Lady argent is heard screaming before an Object is thrown in the room , startling everyone and she rush in the room…her face red and her hands in a fist


She huff and leave before could say anything

MC: Smirk… Should I tell her who keep sending her that or not ?
Ortega: YOU DIDNT!
MC: Aw come on! Its a harmless joke ! and she does have claws! :wink:


Jokes asides I love the new scene because it gives us a more 3dimensional Ortega. Shows that while t they are this incredibly caring saviour-like persona to the MC, they are not necessarily like that to everyone else, and that matters a lot because it confirms a lot of stuff we’ve thought about them.

Some thoughts about the character itself (Yes, I am obsessed, sue me :dizzy_face:):


Charge might be the perfect match for the MC, but that’s just because of the TREMENDOUS GUILT he suffered.

My interpretation is that while the MC suffers horrible scars, Ortega’s scars are the MC themselves, and their return to the world of the living has just given them hope that they can heal them completely.

Methinks that Ortega’s arc hangs on one single thing:

Ortega needs to hear the MC’s story, learn everything about them, and then needs to hear the MC tell them that they forgive them for the Heartbreak and for everything that came before. There is not only caring for the MC, but also a selfish wish to be absolved of the horrible crimes they think they committed.

Every time he aids the MC, it’s like he’s slowly undoing the Heartbreak in some symbolic manner.

Ortega has clearly depreciated themselves (They stopped being Marshall after Heartbreak), undergone therapy, yet can still be manipulated back and forth by the MC no matter how suspicious they are because they are -clearly- emotionally compromised.

Even if they capture the MC, it’s probably going to hurt them the most, unless the MC has gone above and beyond to cause death and destruction. And if that’s the case, then the damage is already done because Ortega will blame themselves for the MC turning villain.

If the MC does not forgive them, or, worse of all, if the MC goes full villain and Ortega has to put a -lethal- ending to their villainy then Ortega has failed.

I think the worst fear Ortega has is the MC actually blaming the Heartbreak and everything that happened afterwards on them.

The worst possible Ortega ending in order I think would be

  • The MC not forgiving them, being an anti-hero then dying (again) in their battle against the government. Ortega could still help them against their will so it could be the least bad ending
  • The MC not forgiving them, being an anti-hero, then committing suicide (suicide scar). That would probably be overkill for Ortega (Or anyone else). Not only have they failed to protect Sidestep, they haven’t managed to help them in any meaningful way to avoid them taking their own life.
    -The MC being a true villain, not forgiving them, BLAMING THEM FOR WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM, and then Ortega having to kill them. Ortega could probably survive this, but they would turn into a very dark, bitter person for the rest of their lives.

We will probably learn the most about Ortega once we get to know Argent’s background, and how he befriended her. Then we’ll get to another view on how he truly is with other people than MC.


@malinryden Oh I noticed some more bugs…

  1. In chapter 13 I got this (I bolded the line that seemed to come out of nowhere):

The rain helps with that, people hurry their step, heading to their destinations as fast as they can. You try to match the annoyance you can see on their faces as you escape into the foyer of the Rangers’ headquarter, dripping wet.

You can’t help but wonder why she bothers.

Part of you hates this. Hates what you’re doing. What you’re planning. Destroying yourself. Destroying your friendships, your legacy…

I poked at the code, looks like this bit is meant to be nested under a condition for checking MC’s facial scar? But it’s just floating out on its own now.

  1. With heartbreak scar of revenge, I’m getting the following weird continuity in the psych scene:

“It makes no sense.” You shake your head. “Why care in the first place?”

“Do I need a reason?”

“Everyone has a reason, you said so yourself.”

“I’m concerned about you.” Dr. Finch frowns, and you can feel her trying to read your face. “I want to help you, but I can’t do that unless you talk to me.”

She means it. You can feel that. She’s worried, but she’s not sure what’s wrong with you. No wonder, you’re not sure anything is wrong. You’re feeling like shit, sure, but does that really matter?

What matters is that you keep working towards your goal.

Revenge might not be the noblest of motivations, but it will have to do. Hate might not be a good feeling, but it’s not like the people you’re hating are good either. Fighting fire with fire might not be the smartest thing to do, but it gets you what you want.

You’re not about to give up now, you know what you want and you know how to get it. You won’t let them get away with doing this to you. No way.

“It’s not that simple.” The truth tastes like the last dregs of yesterday’s beer.

“How do you mean” Her frown has deepened, she almost looks worried. “Are you talking about revenge?”

My MC didn’t say anything related to revenge at that point, so Dr. Finch’s last line seems to come from nowhere. Seems like there’s a missing dialogue MC line about “making them pay” that appears with the revenge motivation but under different Heartbreak scars normally? (my god I continue to be in awe of you wrangling all this code, just looking at the psych scene makes my mind boggle)

  1. Minor, but after choosing to wipe Dr. Finch’s mind, it seems odd that the MC still has the option to say ““I don’t hate her,” I admit, the closest I can get to praise.” considering that the MC at that point is probably planning to never go back again. I’m actually not too sure about the “Not cured yet” choice too, tbh. Maybe another line to Ortega about how MC is definitely never going back again?

  2. Post-psych scene, a line “how much this session affected you” kind of repeats oddly after choosing to hang out with Ortega as puppet.

“Take care, okay?” You do your best to ignore the worry in her eyes as you turn and leave.

You don’t want her to see how much this session affected you.

Honestly, you don’t want to feel how much this session affected you. And in a little, you won’t have to. Lee will make everything better. You know he will.