"Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names" Demo Available Now!

Then it’s a good thing that Breaker-of-Wings’s plot is presented only as background and it affects this game in basically no way other than “and this is how Eater-of-Names got his armour”.


Hmmm. So Eater of Names is a spiral dancer even if I avoided most of the reading on purpose but still got that?

Not covering spoilers well enough if trying to avoid spoilers. Knowing them its hard not to know.

Couple of questions; what is the connection between the two Giselles in Night Road and Hungry Names? Are they a PC or NPC from one of the author’s own TT games, making a cameo in different incarnations? Since Nomi’s uncle was killed at Biosphere Zero, we know Night Road is pre-Hungry Names. Was Caul destroyed, freeing Giselle from the blood bond, although she ‘found Jesus’ and went insane?

Also, why does Theodore Roosevelt’s biography seem to be popular with New England cops? Although a hypermasculine, militaristic figure, he is generally associated with anti-big business, pro-environmental policies. WoD cops may be too daft, as well as ‘cowardly and vicious’ to realise this, but it would interesting to know; the writer seems unlikely to have added any detail without significance, or any details regarding cops with a complimentary significance.


@Ghostfriendly You might want to be making these posts in the main thread since this is for the demo https://forum.choiceofgames.com/t/werewolf-the-apocalypse-the-book-of-hungry-names-unleash-rage-and-wield-spirit-to-heal-the-land-and-rebuild-your-fallen-pack/


Night Road Giselle and Book of Hungry Names Giselle are the same person.

Also, I don’t think one person reading a biography of Theodore Roosevelt proves it’s “popular,” nor does reading a biography indicate endorsement of all (or any) of its subject’s views.


Either Hasselman or Houpe had the biography, as well as a cop in the pumpkin king town. The repeated motif should have some significance.

So, how did the same person get from A to B?

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I have to relook up who that was. Yay.

Just did, the tremere’s pet. Both that disappear and never seen again. Thats why I keep forgetting people. That I recall now. Everytime I go out to help a group they no longer exist after finished, most times.

The only ones that stay, skellieface, birdman and thugsalot. Dot, Dollie? Cant recall their names…

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It’s Dove and Lettow, forgot the ghoul name.

How to I get the high summoner achievement and the cheetahs claw achievement?

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I cant help as incapable of the pumpkin spirit. The last one required convictions i had zero points in. Only tried one and it requires doing a conviction game.

My one rule, dont fix up rental places carries everywhere. Its the landowners responsibility. So I definitely will get ignore comfort and shelter, easy.

You need to play as a theurge and must have katherine gift to bind spirit and rescuing Melodie first so you can access the barrows. The ghost is Harmonie which you can instanly bind after receiving Katherine’s gift, the fairy is a glade spirit which you can bind in holyoke, the beast is a bear spirit which you can bind in hog throne, And finally the elemental is a stone spirit which you can bind after the woods location is unlocked. Do it in these order so you can achieve the High Summoner achievement.


I see thank you I couldn’t find the bear and the fairy👍🏻

@jasonstevanhill Is it possible to implement an option that’d tell us whether a choice would advance the story or just ask questions that let you learn more? In BoHN these choices are sometimes prefixed with “First…” but not always.

@Canix How to get achievement “Dr.Van de Wolf ,MD” ,"hight summon “and Forest Guardian” ?

Dr Van de Wolf achievement can be obtained if you focus on saving people over destroying the teufelshehand and that’s mean by choosing options that focus on researching the disease and saving the document when confronting the teufelshehand

Forest Guardian can be obtained if you focus on saving the forest rather than the barrows or saving your human allies, if you’re lucky you might get to kill vindlerson.

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Can I ask you about achievement " Thessalonian Theurgy " ? how to get it ?

Thank you in advance ^^

Thessalonian Theurgy can be achieve if you focus on attacking the knight of the moon bane over infiltrating neo albion base and falling into black sun labriynth. If you managed to win against the bane talk to Melody on whether you want use the scepter or giving it to her as a symbol of leadership after that achievement awarded.