Upcoming ChoiceScript Feature: Checkpoints

Not that I’ve set, but I believe there’s a practical limit in terms of running out of how much disk space the user is allowed to save in their browser. It’s… really big, though.

It would surprise me if any game needs more than a couple of dozen checkpoints per playthrough, and that’d be fine.

Yes, like this:

*save_checkpoint chapter1

*save_checkpoint chapter2

*save_checkpoint chapter3


    #Return to the game.
    *if (choice_saved_checkpoint_chapter1) #Restore to Chapter 1.
        *restore_checkpoint chapter1
    *if (choice_saved_checkpoint_chapter2) #Restore to Chapter 2.
        *restore_checkpoint chapter2
    *if (choice_saved_checkpoint_chapter3) #Restore to Chapter 3.
        *restore_checkpoint chapter3

It’s not totally clear what you mean by “reloaded.” If you just refresh your browser, or close the tab and come back to the game later, the game will resume right where you left off, with all of your stats and checkpoints still there.

But if you click “Restart” and restart the game, that will wipe all of your progress, including erasing the checkpoints.

If you want a saved game that can survive restarts, that really persists forever, you’ll presumably need to use our *save_game system, but that only works on choiceofgames.com, because you login with an email address and save the game on our servers.