Ultimate Noob Coding

Hmm. :eyeglasses:
I believe, the Choice number 2 is this one?

If that’s the case, the culprit is perhaps… something you’re not expecting.

Replace the *label You (the one at the bottom of your Choice 2) into *goto You. And don’t indent the *label You afterwards.

And the final choice should be look like this :ballot_box_with_check:

What I did there is indenting both *finish’s line. Doesn’t matter what command you use, you’ll want them nested inside the #Option (unless you’re using *fake_choice, which things can go different way)

BTW, it’s quite interesting at how you conclude the chapter. :astonished:
It never occured to me to have the *finish button saying different things depending on your choice. May I… “borrow” this technique, sir? :yum:

Oh, another by the way, if you found yourself struggling with all of these coding stuff, let me introduce you to a tool dedicated to write story in CScript.
Chronicler: a “mind-map” based writing tool that sorts all of those *labels and *gotos for you. All you need to worry is the writing itself (and the stats balancing).

However, I personally don’t use Chronicler, so I can’t say much about it :sweat_smile:
Except for it’s looking PRETTY COOL. Quite handy if you really hate the nitpicks of coding.
Of course it will take another time to learn the Chronicler itself, but doing that can save you the time needed for those coding business. Perhaps.