This simple tutorial will show you the basics of a binary gender selection, male or female. If there is interest for it, I could make an advanced version detailing a third or no gender option as well, but this should still be enough to give you an idea how to proceed on your own.
What you need in your startup file;
*create mc_isfemale false
*create mc_malefemale ""
*create mc_manwoman ""
*create mc_menwomen ""
*create mc_boygirl ""
*create mc_fathermother ""
*create mc_brothersister ""
*create mc_husbandwife ""
*create mc_heshe ""
*create mc_hisher ""
*create mc_himher ""
These are some of the more commonly used pronouns and designations given, depending on your game’s needs, you may ommit or add to these as you see fit. The best part is, once you have set them, you don’t need to worry about them anymore. And if you have scenes, choices or text that you wish to be exclusive to one gender simply check the boolean variable mc_isfemale using *if. An example is given further down.
These are two examples of what you may add in game.
Example 1;
Are you a boy or a girl?
*set mc_malefemale "male"
*set mc_manwoman "man"
*set mc_menwomen "men"
*set mc_boygirl "boy"
*set mc_fathermother "father"
*set mc_brothersister "brother"
*set mc_husbandwife "husband"
*set mc_heshe "he"
*set mc_hisher "his"
*set mc_himher "him"
*set mc_isfemale true
*set mc_malefemale "female"
*set mc_manwoman "woman"
*set mc_menwomen "women"
*set mc_boygirl "girl"
*set mc_fathermother "mother"
*set mc_brothersister "sister"
*set mc_husbandwife "wife"
*set mc_heshe "she"
*set mc_hisher "her"
*set mc_himher "her"
You are a ${mc_boygirl}. If you had a sibling, the sibling would call you ${mc_brothersister}. You go to the bathroom marked $!{mc_boygirl}s.
*if (mc_isfemale)
Your father bought you a girl's bike.
*if (mc_isfemale = false)
Your father bought you a boy's bike.
*goto done
*label done
You are done.
Example 2;
Are you male or female?
*set mc_malefemale "male"
*set mc_manwoman "man"
*set mc_menwomen "men"
*set mc_boygirl "boy"
*set mc_fathermother "father"
*set mc_brothersister "brother"
*set mc_husbandwife "husband"
*set mc_heshe "he"
*set mc_hisher "his"
*set mc_himher "him"
*goto done
*set mc_isfemale true
*set mc_malefemale "female"
*set mc_manwoman "woman"
*set mc_menwomen "women"
*set mc_boygirl "girl"
*set mc_fathermother "mother"
*set mc_brothersister "sister"
*set mc_husbandwife "wife"
*set mc_heshe "she"
*set mc_hisher "her"
*set mc_himher "her"
*goto done
*label done
YOU ARE A $!!{mc_manwoman}!!! If you had a child, the child would call you ${mc_fathermother}. If you were married, your spouse would call you ${mc_husbandwife}. When the protagonist was young, ${mc_hisher} mother told ${mc_himher} to be ${mc_himher}self.
*selectable_if (mc_isfemale = false) #I want to be a shinobi!
*goto go_ninja_go_shinobi
*selectable_if (mc_isfemale) #I want to be a kunoichi!
*goto go_ninja_go_kunoichi
#I don't like ninjas.
*goto no_ninjas_please
*label go_ninja_go_shinobi
As a shinobi, you were the scourge of the break room, always climbing the walls.
*goto end
*label go_ninja_go_kunoichi
As a kunoichi, you were the scourge of the break room, always leaving your shurikens everywhere.
*goto end
*label no_ninjas_please
What a shame. No Ninjas for you then.
*goto end
*label end
Please note that in these examples, I have used 3 spacebar indents, make sure that the indentation fits with the rest of your code. With the exception of the indentation though, these can easily be copy pasted directly into your game. I have tried to include some good examples of what you can do with these simple variables, but I’ll be happy to answer questions, troubleshoot and take requests. I’m planning on creating several tutorials of different kinds as I have seen some of these questions being posted a lot. Good luck!