Trouble Using *Set

Take the 20 out of the *stat_chart line. (You are essentially telling it to display a chat start of foo at 20% - you want it to use the existing value.)

It worked, thanks everyone i really appreciate it and i am sorry if i annoyed any of you

You didn’t annoy me one bit… :rage:

Kidding, kidding. I love helping! :innocent:


hey everyone me again, i hate bothering you guys but knowing your willing to help is a great feeling, got another problem only one option appears when theirs two

your name is Jack Maxson, you are 25 and have been living with your SO for about a year, you have been dating for two, you awake with morning wood, how embarrassing, you noticed that your
girlfriend Zoe is taking a shower, Zoe is slim and beautiful with long blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes, those eyes drew you in when you first met
#Join Zoe
*set Zoe +5
*goto action
the cure is worth the problem
*label action
#Eat Breakfast
you enjoy a bacon sandwich and a lovely cup of tea.

Eat breakfast needs to be indented the same as “Join Zoe”, and needs to have a # in front of it.

that is what i did but only join zoe shows up

You did this?

      #Join Zoe
        *set zoe +5
        *goto action
      #Eat Breakfast
        Text here.
      *label action
      Text here.

basically yes, thought goto and label would help with the text, that part worked well but the second option does not show up despite i put a # infront

Exactly that? Where id you put the label?

I put the label as i displayed it earlier above the cure is worth the problem and directly under #eat breakfast

You need a hash symbol # before each choice the player can make.

#Join Zoe
*set Zoe +5
*goto action
#Eat Breakfast
You enjoy a bacon sandwich and a lovely cup of tea.

*label action
The cure is worth the problem.


Note above, “The cure is worth the problem.” will display for both choices, since the fake choice falls out and continues over the label. You would need to *finish inline with #Eat Breakfast to stop the text from continuing.

This does the same as this - fake choices do not require *finish or *goto, you can set variables and have the story continue without diverting:

#Join Zoe
*set Zoe +5
The cure is worth the action.
#Eat Breakfast
You enjoy a bacon sandwich and a lovely cup of tea.


I also notice above, that “Eat Breakfast” is huge, I believe you made it a header with two # marks

##Like this. You don’t need two hash marks together

The actual problem is you put a *label command before #Eat Breakfast which ends your *choice command. You have to finish out your *choice options. (I think there is a way to set a *label within a choice table, but it’s not working here)

thanks guy, i swear i put a # before eat breakfast, might need my eyes checked or maybe ive been working on this for so long i am seeing things

You did, you just put two of them! :slight_smile:

it worked, thanks im glad that this forum is full of helpful people unlike youtube comments

how does the if command work exactly, im looking at the wiki but having trouble understanding

There are a couple types of “if”.

If you’re just writing, and you wanted to see if the charisma was high enough you could do this:

*if (charisma>50)
      Text here.
      *set charisma +5
      *set variable +5
      *goto next_thing
      Text here.
      *set variable -5
*label next_thing

If you want there to be a couple things you could do, use elseif.

*if (charisma>60)
  Text here.
  *set variable +10
*elseif (variable2>60)
  Text here.
  *set variable +8
  Text here.
  *set variable +5

If that doesn’t clear things up, I’ll have to look at the code.

better if you have a look at the code, im using text here, next_thing and variable as test subjects cause i don’t want to write stuff down only to get an error or two

*if (Zoe>70)
Text here.
*set Zoe +30
*goto next_thing
Text here.
*set variable -5
*label next_thing

Are you doing a double # thing again?

    *if (Zoe>70)
      Text here
      *set Zoe +30
      *goto next_thing
      Text here
      *set variable -5
*label next_thing

Remember to insert <pre> before your code and </pre> afterwards to have it display correctly on the forums