[Tool] Chronicler - ChoiceScript Visual Code Editor

@stainedofmind I’ll see what I can do. It won’t need a rewrite, but it does add a heavy layer of complexity.

Interesting observation. I’ll add a more advanced dialog with that as a customizable option to the CS import at some point in the future.

I’d say no rush on the layout aspect for importing. I don’t have anything I’m currently working on that would I would need to import with. If I were to use Chronicler for a project (which I am planning on), I’d start from scratch.

Devlog #???

Darn-it CoG, stop distracting me with new games! :disappointed_relieved:


Version is now available.

I added basic undo/redo functionality. Adding, deleting, moving, resizing bubbles, and deleting scenes. I imagine that last one might save your bacon occasionally haha.

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Hey all, I was wondering if anybody would like a “custom ChoiceScript” bubble? While it is possible to type anything into a story bubble, it doesn’t have all the code completion options.

This would allow for more advanced features for experienced coders, while still retaining the simplicity of the visual code format.

I also need to add the ability to put “*if” statements in front of choices. This is a feature that I’ll try to get done soon. It completely slipped my mind that you could do that.

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I would think a general ‘code bubble’ or ‘custom bubble’ would definitely be a plus. As a coder, I would most certainly use this to keep things a tad more organized for large blocks of serious code. For example, my CS Password system looks like a mess when imported. It would look a lot better if split up into better chunks. PS - Keep up the good work!


Hmm. I’ll have to think about that for CS import. I’m not certain how I could predict which sections of code should be placed into code bubbles, and which should be separated out into their individual components. I feel that I shouldn’t add them to the CS import, and instead, leave it up to the user to decide. In the event that you import a scene and want to clean it up, you can just delete the offending bubbles and copy/paste the code from the txt file into a code bubble.

Version is up.

I added generic code bubbles with the ability to use the tab key and code completion for all actions, variables, labels, scenes, etc.

I also made it so you can type *if and *selectable_if in choice boxes. Just be aware that you then have to include the # in front of the actual choice text just like you would in normal CS.

As for bug fixes, I fixed palettes so that they reset to default when you close and re-open another project without first restarting Chronicler.

I also fixed some keyboard shortcuts that were implemented but not activating when pressed. Namely the Esc key to reset the cursor back to the Selection Tool, and the +/- keys to zoom in and out (useful for laptop trackpads that no longer work).

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For some reason, upon opening a saved file on the left panel, Chronicler is crashing. It’s also doing this for opening a save file from the file menu. Starting a new game seems to work fine. The project I’m opening is very small, with no custom code. Started a new file, saved it, opened it and no problem.

Not sure what’s happening.

@Moonie_Leitmotif Try opening one of the backup files? If it loads, simply replace the main corrupted one.
If that doesn’t work, email me a copy of the affected save file and I’ll see what I can do. (benseawalker@yahoo.com)

How long ago did you create this save file? If it was pre 0.9.x its possible I missed something in backwards compatibility.
The only other thing I can think of is the color palettes fix I just released :confused:

EDIT: If all else fails, you should be able to import the generated .txt files into a new project.

Hey all, I’m in a bit of a bind as regards to the stats screen editor. I originally envisioned it as a list of controls on the side that you could drag into a list and edit. However, the drag and drop isn’t a common UI feature throughout the program. While I don’t feel it would necessarily be confusing, it does seem like it might feel awkward (especially for trackpad users).

The alternative would be a list with large cells, and a single empty one at the end. Selecting the empty one turns it into a new cell, and each cell contains move and insert buttons.

In either case, each cell will look like the chosen type of stat, i.e. the way it would look as a running game.

I guess a third alternative would be to swap out the bubble toolbar with a stat toolbar, and have an editor on the side similar to how your standard bubble scene works. (still with slots for each stat, as it doesn’t make sense to have them work exactly like bubbles)

hmmm… I actually think this third option is the best way to go. It retains the familiar controls of the rest of the program while simultaneously providing more advanced editing ability.

Glad we had this chat :wink:


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Just make sure to have the ability to put pure code into the stat screen editor as well :wink:

Ah, yes that was planned. Forgot to mention it haha.

You’ll have Text, Percent, Opposed Pair, and Code options. I knew the code one would come in handy for when you needed to display alt text for a variable. (0=“uninjured”, 1=“wounded”, etc.)


Just thought of a nice feature addition that would at least partially resolve issues with imported code getting unorganized. Would it be possible to add in some kind of bubble merging functionality?

So long as the two bubbles were of the same type. Otherwise, I guess it could try to convert them to a code bubble.

I’ll add it to the todo list. It might be awhile until the next update as some prior obligations have been made due and Uni starts again next week.

No problem and no rush. Was just an offhand idea I had. Again, keep up the good work!

Okay dumb question but I used Chronicler (amazing tool, btw) to write my first little bit of my game except I want to test it but I have no idea how to! How do I?

That’s a great question-how DO you export a project?
Would in the future a test run be possible?

Great news! The backup worked.

I suggest having a few ways to do stats screen:

Bubble, to either introduce or modify a stat.
Special tab with tracked stats and what they start as.
Dialogue for creating a stat.

Feature suggestion

Error handling for corrupted files that stop a crash or check file for errors that may crash the program and checking backups. And also renaming corrupt backups so folks know what to look for at a glance.

First, go ahead and read this article: http://choicescriptdev.wikia.com/wiki/Setting_up_ChoiceScript.

Whenever you save your project, Chronicler automatically creates the scene .txt files in the same directory that you saved your .chronx project file under the “scenes” folder.

Simply copy these .txt files to the “web/mygame/scenes” folder. (will make sense after you read that article)

In the future, to avoid manually copying the .txt files every time, simply save the .chronx project file in the “mygame” folder.


@Moonie_Leitmotif Great!

Those are good ideas for the stats screen, I’ll take them into consideration.

I actually did look into error handling for corrupted save files when you mentioned it a few posts back. Unfortunately Qt does not throw exceptions. Instead, it issues a system flag which immediately halts/crashes the program. I can register a handler for this event, but the best the handler could do is show an error message, as the program is told to close before the event handler is called. I don’t think I explained that very well, but essentially it would have almost the same effect as a crash. :confused: