Morning, everyone!
I tried expressing my intent and realized I did it wrong. As I am prone to doing.
In a project I’m working on, the Player Character finds themself in a strange situation where they are surrounded by people they don’t know. People who they will be stuck with for the indiscernible future.
For this project, I do want there to be a focus on romance. In Interactive Fiction, romance can be navigated easily. Such as choosing to be a more shy Player Character, one that is bold in their interests or flirting, and some that dart between the two (depending on the RO).
However, I also have seen where the Player Character is in denial of their feelings (aware of them, but, for some reason or another, fighting that). Those choices are often pretty clear.
What I’m wanting to discuss is how, in a story, one might portray a character who isn’t aware they are interested in a RO. This is something I have a hard time understanding, personally, but it is a dynamic I would like to explore. Part of it for my own sake, as this is a way to better understand something that does confuse me. Writing has always been my way of learning more about emotions, and how they’re expressed, but there are some topics that have a group of people chime in on that are far more helpful than a few static pages on the internet.
So, my question is this:
How would you all show the Player Character is attracted to someone but isn’t aware of it?
Original Post, Poorly Explained. Read if you wish.
I’ve been away for a long while, largely working on a few ideas for projects I have, and one of them I was reminded of when I was reading Disliked Elements, Mechanics, and Tropes earlier. I’ve been there a few times, as I find it enlightening to read in many cases.
One particular aspect of the story I’m working on does dip into the section below:
In a lot of stories I’ve read, there are, in many of them, three approaches to romance. There is the denial path, where the Player Character is either unaware they are crushing on someone (this one confuses me) or they are fighting against their interest and attraction (this one I find fascinating).
Following Denial, the PC is aware they are crushing on a Romantic Love Interest. They can respond in a more shy manner, a very bold manner, or somewhere caught between. In some, the RO might have a crush on the PC and approach. As stated by Foxboi, in a lot of cases, the PC can miss all the signals.
In a story I’m building, I want to approach the romance in it in a way that is enjoyable.
I get the bold/shy/neutral responses, but, for the life of me, I can’t really think of how someone could be unaware they have a crush on someone. I can get behind a PC that is in denial that they’re interested in a RO. A PC that fights their attraction, that’s fascinating.
But how can a person, in a story, be presented as oblivious to the fact they’re crushing on someone?
This small thing is something I can’t wrap my head around. Might be Aspie Brain Syndrome, as I do, in my own life, take everything very literally. I can get mixed signals when someone likes me because I don’t know how to “read between the lines,” but that’s me not fully understanding what someone else is feeling.
Any thoughts on this would be delightful. This is one part of my project I’m hung up on (another odd way to say I’m stuck, but it is what it is).