KS didn’t get a different build. Just early access. There are NB “they” pronouns used in the game regardless of gender (for plot reasons). So I’m not sure if they are exactly mixing up things or you’re noticing something that you should notice as a hint to what is going on.
The author is actively working on bug fixes tho. There have been a few. Which is pretty standard for IF releases. Even with a beta, bugs like to sneak in there.
I’m wary of Milo after what he did tbh… I’ll probably make up my mind when I know why he did it. ^^;
The night market mystery was a surprising plot twist when I read the first draft demo months ago, but now, with the rereading, I can’t believe most of the clues were so obvious!
So I have replayed the game before release like 12 times and now I am on my second play through. Since I prefer playing on my cellphone and I had to buy it on itch where it is browser based ( because the German steam is censoring it ) I am going to replay it a few times every RO path at least and I really am a glutton for punishment so Milos route is one I like to revisit.
Also the clues are a little more obvious in the final product due to how the author writes. The characters sometimes have a way for her to develop with the story. But I like how it is done. The clues are there but really only significant when you know. Otherwise you just sometimes halt but the second play through was so rewarding. For me as the reader not for my night market
Milo HitSquad is going to form very soon
It’s not bad, but it’s not good either. I think it looks the same as the free version, and on Patreon, it makes me disappointed, and the cliffhanger—I don’t like that at all. Also Milo I know there’s a reason he did that, but I can’t help but hate him for it, so I prefer Gabriel; he’s more established as LI, and Milo still looks back on his past and doesn’t move on at all. Sorry for my rambling; I was just stating my experience with the game.
The free version as in the demo? or the first draft? If you mean the latter, obviously it’s not the exact same (the main story idea and ending are though). It has gone through an extensive editing process, making it far more polished than it was when I read it months ago (it’s a matter of preference/subjectivity on whether one likes the writing or not).
I personally didn’t like Milo either, hence why I agree with Bella’s nicknames for him: trash panda etc.
And yes, I get not liking the cliffhanger ending, after all not everyone likes it when the story ends that way, but there are follow-up “after-ending” bits that offer more insight on what’s happening for each RO route (what the ROs did/felt after what happened), on her Patreon.
Fuck Milo. My MC isn’t getting over that shit anytime soon. To answer one of your previous RO questions, I romanced Belladonna, and I can’t imagine romancing anyone else lol.
here’s the post that answers your question
I just don’t see what people liked about this
I absolutely disliked every character from the word go
I liked the writing style, complex character relationships, the plot twist (not going into detail because of spoilers). But, to each their own. I’m curious though, did you play the demo before/now or even read the game to the end? What didn’t you like specifically?
I would like to bump this. I posted this in RO’s I hate, but here was my initial reaction to playing the finished game and having the first playthrough be a MC who refused to lie and provide a fictitious name just to appease him. To my shock, he did not propose a truth serum to coax the truth out of you. No, instead, what he does is far far worse. And as the scene goes on he makes it readily clear he is entirely fine with having people dismemebered alive over the span of days in agony while they are sold for parts to the market and thrown into a ‘flesh pit.’ Again, all of this is what he is ready to condemn you to because YOU CANT REMEMBER YOUR NAME.
My original comment:
Okay so when I originally played Night Market before release (I know it’s a twine game but people were talking about it earlier iirc), I played a character who was pretty ‘tame’ and as a result just lied for a name in order to get through things smoothly. I romanced Gabriel.
I decided to reread, now I don’t remember much from my initial playthrough so I was fully intending on romancing Gabriel again with release. However, upon playing through the Prologue and first Chapter I realise that if the main character refuse to lie then… Then you are seriously telling me a romantic interest in the game casually consigns you to death for REFUSING TO SHARE A NAME??? What in the everloving hell. How am I ever supposed to reasonably take this man as a ‘romantic interest’ when he treats human life so casually? Sure, he might change his mind, but even if he does he had full intent to do it leading up until a last second changing of minds. How is anyone supposed to see this man in a remotely positive light after this???
I am actually shocked. I don’t think I could have ever romanced the character if I saw that before, but I seriously cannot figure out how someone could be so callous. "It’s the rules, so it’s fine if people are put in cages and dismembered for parts for small crimes, you just don’t understand muh culture’
Also this is a place with magic everywhere and nobody has a way of ensuring if you are speaking the truth? There are no potions for that kind of thing? No special devices? Because consigning someone to death for assuming they are lying when they could have literal brain trauma / amnesia / etc… I just… I am stil reeling about it.
So naturally, I dragged that bastard down into the flesh pits with me.
I might have a new most hated love interest, congrats to Leon for finally being beaten! And it’s a romance option I previously thought was fine. Who knew!
Response to @JBento :
I’m not reading the spoiler text about the ending, because I’m not done doing a new playthrough of the completed game. I am actually so upset now, there just isn’t a romantic interest for me anymore as someone who is masc attracted because my 2 options are an RO who cannot have to have a closed, monogamous relationship and a monster. I hope the second book will had a new masc character who is like… just a guy. You know?
There is a point in the story where you can address these things. In fact, I don’t think you even have a choice. The MC does go off about the “rules” of the market and how fucked up it is. So it’s not like the story is even treating it like this is okay. As for magic. It’s a yes and a no. The world has magic, but there are rules and a lot of stuff is illegal. So the very uptight and rule following even if it’s wrong Gabriel is not going to use it.
Though I am utterly in tears that Gabriel who is an angel is the monster. It’s funny to me.
I played the demo like a month ago I think