Story Wise
Screenshot by Lightshot (Cover Art)
“Breath dust, breath deeply. Sigh that reaches the lungs to escape to the stars. Empty horizon of life, of hope. Let the road be divided into the sunset and my efforts fly in the wind … let me get lost in her eyes, let me be on her side.” Celeno´s song, Vagrants
This game is based on a book written by me changed to become a game. (El Ultimo Guardian -SPA)
You are throw to a race known as “Akiranos” from the planet “Akiria”. They have human form however they are not even close to be one.
Defineded by a culture, the Akiranos are known to be emotionless, they do indeed feel but they choose to be more practicall for they born with their duty marked.
A colour, a rectangle united in the skin, determinates the duty of an Akirano. If red, a warrior, if blue a builder, if green a savior, if yellow a council, if purple an agent. Yet there is another colour, white for the supreme Akirano, a warden. Trained in all the tree skills of an Akirano, like a pureblood.
Fifth Warden: “I looked to my pace, I searched every corner of the galaxy, in the darkest places and lifeless. I flew with a rain of fire orbiting planets, sailed the oceans of the nebulae and the empty corners of eternity. But at the time of looking for me, I only find within here, only here. I searched my memories for the purpose, but I was never given one… Seeking in my desires passion, but it is no stimulus. I am looking for a home in which to live forever, and I find myself here.” Quote of “Fifth” one of the guardians of the republic Akirana.
You are Elios Di Akira (Di Akira means from which planet you are from or which race) child of two builders. However you born with a different colour, black. The whole structure of society trembles at this discovering and banished you forever.
“I feel pain, remorse.” - A counselor edged tongue - “Typical Warriors.”
“I feel daring, prudence.” - Continuous other - “An agent should be.”
“Strength, intelligence.” - Replied another - “Is a wise counselor.”
“Love peace.” - A counselor shed a tear - “Healer of the earth.”
“Compassion, honor. - A man with a deep voice - a constructor, that is.”
Oldest Council Member: “Everything is there, every emotion that moves our specie. Yet none are moving forward, it is all stuck in a loop of doubts. It does not raise, it does not shows up, it is just there… static.”
You feel yourself empty, without purpose. Everyone has a destiny and a phase to complete. You are undefined, a mistake, an accident.
From this very beginning, your actions, your reactions, the choices you make they are yours alone. Your personality will be builded by your morality at time to choose. The people you meet will be define through you according to your behavior.
Your goal To be remembered. Travel everywhere, a free world full of adventures. Learn about The Kants,The Celenos, The Wrex, differents planets, moons, ships, dying stars…
But above all, discover your true essence. Unfold your personality.
- RPG- Your alignment light, dark or grey. Your choices will create points of “Light” or “Dark” the amount of each of them will give you special moves to resolve the pages and puzzles.
- Companion affection- Your actions will be approved or disapproved by those around you. Could be a single person or a whole community. It is up to you to decide to be cool with them or play the card of lonely wolf. To gain this points is suggested to speak with them when you can.
- Free roaming- There is a main story and an alternative brand of stories to play. Elios is able to travel everywhere doing almost everything he wants to. Discover more and more lore, people and species that you can unlock with just playing the game.
- Unknow World- There is so much to see and to understand. This will be the first time Elios abandones his homeplanet. There are many things of history he does not knows and wars that he never was part of. Where would you like to start?
- Watch out! choices incoming- There might be relevant choices… but beware, a wrong joke or a word in the wrong place or something you did not know and you will end dead… or worse… double dead.
p.d: sorry for my english (x.x)