The Graves of Heirs (WIP) [Updated: October 29, 2021]

@Ignitos Thank you so much! I just realized when I got back from lunch that I forgot to add that in lmao! It should be fixed now, but if it’s not please let me know! Again, thanks for catching that!

@Thunder-Man Thanks! And @Idekam is right. The stranger assumes Carmine is a man.


Playing the demo from the start, and right away I can say the character selection screen is MUCH better! Can’t wait to play the rest, was waiting all day for it.


Definitely enjoyed the update, most certainly looking forward to what you have in store for us


@Christo79834782 Oh! Are you talking about Catalina Claes? Manga and anime series? Yes, this game reminds me of this too. Can’t wait to defy all the odds and expectations in this game like Catalina did in the series. I hope that this will be a mix of Catalina Claes and Melissa Podebrat, where we can unknowingly create a harem of admirers and at the same time be feared by people. Just picturing it makes me very excited.

@Ailurolatry Anyways, I went off topic just a bit. I wish you lots of inspiration for this project. By reading it I already have high expectations for the game. I wonder how strong will the archetypes affect the final results and certain choices. When I play I tend to change my disposition towards characters or situations, which means that I either cannot fully commit to a certain archetype or I do not fully understand which choices lead to what personality type. What if a person has both character types in equal amount? Is it even possible in this game? What if I choose a certain personality type but I liked the way the second personality type has reached to the same situation? How does this system work? And will it be implemented fully or is it still under consideration?

I asked too many questions. Sorry :disappointed: I got carried away.


Just gone through the update - and is our character a girl and called Carmine by default? I’m not sure how the race part will be handled - if the original Carmine was a different race.
The ending kinda gave me the feeling we occupy Carmine’s old body, so maybe race and gender customization is for our spirit/dream body?

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@Mei_Hiroshi Thank you so much! That’s nice of you :smiley: Also, I love Beware the Villainess! Mellissa Podebrat is so awesome lmao.

As for your other questions - and I should probably remove that part of the intro post now since it’s not entirely accurate anymore- all the character/disposition choice affects is flavour dialogue in select situations. Whether you shout at someone or whether you tell them ‘loudly’ - that kind of thing. There is no set personality traits assigned to either choice. All personality traits are available to both choices. And it’s still under consideration/construction. I hope this helped, and if you have anymore questions please feel free to ask me! I’m happy to answer them!

@Gabriel Thanks for playing the update! The MC is not a girl by default, and while you occupy Carmine’s position in the world, you have your own body and race. Due to the way the Church works within TGOH, all sorcerers are assigned saint’s names when they leave. You can choose to go by Carmine or by your chosen name later on in ch:1.

Edit: All of the other students at Ehrenreich have assigned names, and some choose to go by names they chose for themselves as well. I’ve added character bios to the intro post! Again, thanks for playing, and for your feedback!


I’m sorry, but what does the numbers mean?

Ages, I assume

Thanks. I didn’t expect mc and the others are still children

I think the author said that for the first book (or first few chapters?) there won’t be romance, since the ro’s are kids.


This is interesting. TGOH worlds similar to thedas which i really love it.
I guess original carmine wont appear much in the story or viable as ro huh. I have soft spot for her and kinda feel bad replacing her life.
But this makes me curious, is the origin carmine watching our story like watching live movie or smth?


Ooookay, I’ve played the update!

First things first, I love the new content, and I love the new personality types for the MC. Waaaaaay clearer and more enjoyable! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m so so happy to be able to have a reserved, quiet, serious and kind character who’s also optimistic, now!

You may wonder why I’m so stuck onto that though! Well, basically, when I’ve checked the “Tired” option for the first choice of the game, when first playing, I immediately fell in love with the concept of a MC who was unhappy and depressed in their life - maybe even wishing said life would end, sometimes - and who’d then find a “new breath” in that new world, a fresh start, something they’d see as better, that would actually give them the will to live, the capacity to enjoy life again - some sort of “that’s where I was always meant to be” feeling. And obviously, for that, the “optimistic” trait was needed, coupled with the “Tired” choice.

I think the only small thing that bothers me a bit with the stats now - but it’s very minor - is the Bookish vs Active stat, since one person may be active and still know a lot of things (and Bookish seems to equate to knowledge). But well, that’s nitpicking and I’m sure it’ll be perfectly manageable!

Two small typos:

In two instances, the text says “is is” instead of “it is”:

  • When reading the contract: “Underneath is is signed by(…)”
    Should be “it is signed”, I suppose?
  • After signing (at least if it was forced): “Well, it is what is is”
    Would be “It is what it is”

That’s all I’ve noticed as far as typos and errors go! I may have missed more, obviously.

Other little things:

These are not mistakes or anything, but some things I’ve noticed that either bothered me or I felt like were missed opportunities.

When selecting MC's personality type:

Maybe the instructions could be put in brackets or something so they won’t appear as if they were narration? And also, MC’s name is not capitalized in that segment.

When concluding the MC appeareance segment:

I feel like it would be better to phrase the “Am I satisfied with my appearance?” differently? Because while it makes sense on a meta level, this is MC thinking, and they wouldn’t necessarily be satisfied with what they look like - between being a kid and being a different species, it may not be great (or well, it would at least be confusing). So answering “yes” may be very awkward. :sweat_smile:

Two things bothered me with the contract part:
  • I don’t understand why MC runs away if “no” is selected, for the contract? :thinking:
    I thought MC would ask why the heck would they sign it, tell the revenant they don’t want to do so, or whatever. Not running away by default. I feel like there would be some middle ground between accepting something like that outright, and yeeting yourself out of there :rofl:
  • IF escaping (not something I would have chosen if just saying “no” was possible), the revenant puts MC in a perilous situation, and their deal becomes to save MC in exchange of signing, to which MC thinks “An easy one, I decide.”. But for playthroughs where the “tired” option was selected for the first choice of the game, maybe there should be more doubt here, or even MC being able to think they were already dying anyway, or something? :thinking:
The revenant's name:

When looking at the code for the revenant’s name part, I saw the funny dialogues that stem from choosing a not-so-flattering name, and that made me laugh a lot. But because of that and how that part unfolds, I thought there’s a missed opportunity there! You could add a little exclusive flavor text if “Richard” is typed in, considering it’s their previous name. Surely they’d react to that, right? And it’s a pretty name, so I did type that in!

I think that’s what I have to say for now, as far as feedback goes!

I’ll admit reading the not-yet-ROs’ descriptions made me so nervous though! Like, when you talk about the ones that are among the first or last who have died in the books. It’s like “yeah, I KNOW a lot of them died in the books, but like… the pressure to avoid that this time around!!!” :sob:
Still, I can’t wait to see how it unfolds!


I see you are one my people lol I love scythes too


Hell yeah unfortunately there are not many games with it…only swords, spears, bow , daggers and that stuff all the time…


Ugh tell me about it I begging to get the scythe Add.

Battle Academia: Red Snow” allows to have a scythe (and really, a lot of weapons), and “The Abyssal” will allow it too (confirmed) once weapon selection comes. These are the two that come to my mind when people wish for scythes!

A scythe is a very heavy weapon, and it’s understandably not a logical choice for a magic focused story - as in, a story where the MC is some kind of sorcerer, as it’s the case in this game.


I’m not asking for it in this book. Sense I’m choosing the cat race I plan to use my fists and claws. Really can’t wait for the full story. I’m enjoying it ALOT


Oh yeah, I get it, don’t worry - I was just mentionning why it wouldn’t make much sense here!

But yeah, it’s a great story so far! I have Xidhe too!
Can’t wait to see more of it!

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Another reader of true culture lol

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The new update was clean and made the prologue easier to navigate. Thought I’d get over the “whoa, pedo” dialogue ny now, but still cracks me up ever time that it’s hard for me to even consider choosing one of the other choices available. :joy: