Tale of Two Cranes—Reach your magical destiny and tangle with your rival in mythic ancient China!

A separate thread, maybe? As for how to format it, I’ve seen some people use some form of collapsible headings. I don’t know how they work though.


@ClaimedMinotaur Someone else helped me so here is the guide for the tasks to get on the throne. Check it out and see if it helps or let me know if you still have trouble.


You can always just copy and paste it into the thread and, if it’s too long, use the Hide Details options.


Anything you put in a Hide Details tag will show up like this.


I’m still confused. I had LB as emperor and did everything on the list except regulating Yong Shi and killing the consort. I won the favor of the army, the court, and the people, which I already had at that point, but I had time to kill. I investigated the rebellion and the empress and found the truth about both. I married his daughter and had won his favor enough that he gifted me the warhorse.

Based on the guide you just posted, I should have succeeded.


That was what I was looking for. I’ve seen people do that, but didn’t know how to do it, myself.


For Liu Bang you have to complete and succeed in all Emperor tasks. So you were missing the regulating one to be named heir. It’s the Empress tasks where if you marry one of the siblings you don’t need to do the consort or blackmail.


I have to betray my fellow Yong Shi? :pleading_face:

There is no other way?


@ClaimedMinotaur You don’t have to agree with Liu Bang to win this one. You can go against him and win by convincing everyone else and forcing his hand.


Oh thank God. I’ll go back and do that one then. I avoided it like the plague because I thought it was betraying the people I grew up with.


I’ll warn you that this one does have some hard stat checks that @SharpOne and I are going to change to be a little easier but I don’t know how long it takes for the updated files to go live.


Oh, that’s a shame.

Opens notepad++

A real shame.


I really like the game! But it’s so hard! Lol! XD I’m going to struggle with it a lot. How fun! :slight_smile:
But question. How to save Xiang Yu? I mean, I was a little shocked. During the main, last attack, we had a “bad feeling” I tried to go back to the camp but I was rejected. Okay, there’s nothing to be done, but how come they were killed when I detected third party spies in the camp beforehand? I exposed them without them finding out. I kind of don’t understand this outcome. :frowning:


Damn it, I am late but I am sooo happy it’s out. I’ve been wondering about this one for years!


So I did what you said. I went against him and convinced the court to loosen regulations, thereby completing all Emperor tasks. I also didn’t do the Empress ones, as I married her daughter and you said that made convincing her unnecessary. Problem is, it still didn’t work. He appointed his son as his heir.


You need the Emperor, a marriage, and two of:

One Empress task
All three court tasks
(Currently bugged, patch in progress) All three army tasks

(not sure whether there’s time to do all Emperor, Court and Army tasks)


I guess I need to understand the purpose of all of these. Is doing the court and military tasks supposed to raise your reputation with them? What happens if your reputation is already max? From what I can tell, there doesn’t really seem to be a way to track my progress in this regard. I do all these things, but nothing in the stats screen changes at all. Is that normal?

Also I did all three Emperor tasks, found the Empress’s secret, married her daughter, all three court tasks, and two military tasks. There is more than enough time to do everything.

I did all this, and it still didn’t work.


Reputation has nothing to do with it. You need their support for this specific task.

“Two military tasks” does nothing, you need three (as I said, right now you can’t do the third - this is a bug and the patch is on the way). No idea what went wrong with the other tasks - it should be working if you did everything perfectly.


So I’m enjoying this much but some bugs annoyed me so I need to report before continuing story. Will update as I continue


First I know a bug that is when we choose to run with 5 soldiers to the keep to arest the general for Liu Bang but when going to the tower our general that we left to run was ther again how??

Then when I’m going to attak the lord and asking my father to spliting forces two choices i think are swapped I choose to go to the river and my father back to camp but it was other way in the consequence.

Also I wasn’t granted any holding but now my family wants to meet me there? Funny and impossible if it wasn’t a bug surely

Also a question liu bang dynasty is Han? How? Isn’t that my noble name and my dynasty? Shouldn’t they be Liu dynasty?


Okay, so my MC has sacrificed himself two times in a row now. The first epilogue was especially bittersweet. 10/10


Not sure where I should put this but this seems like the best place

While playing this game on the hosted games app
It seems I am stuck on the chapter 4 save screen after I clicked to continue to Chapter 4 it tells me to sign in to continue and when I enter my password it sends me back to the login to continue page