196 pages, 141k words / 722 words per page - I think thats the stats for one of EndMaster’s game. I’m not sure, there was a thread that collated some games statistics but I can’t seem to find it anymore.
But really the word count is little more than a wild stat, you can say your game has 50k/100k words or whatever to ‘defend’ a game’s length, but if the 50k words are spread out over several pages then really you have a game that’s threadbare. Some authors don’t realise this sometimes…
Something like 700 words a page is par the course for a writer like EndMaster, but at CoG I think the word count is substantially lower. Though, for choicescript there is the matter of coding, whereas other editors are much more basic - easier to understand perhaps, but would require a higher page count, others allow for easier coding and pathways that allow you to keep the code to a minimum while keeping the page count down.
For choicescript games to understand the complexity of a project, you generally need to know the style of game you’re writing. A lot of offerings have a linear storyline with variable statistics that offer stat based choices and there’s nothing wrong with that. It won’t make the page/word count be very high, it may allow for a high variable though and probably a higher level of complexity if the choices are chained together - again so far, I’ve not seen this happen much.
Alternatively, a chapter-based storyline that has various pathways based on actual choices and not so much stat based (though I’m confident @Ksu can and has presented a counter-argument to this point) can rack up huge words and page counts but be extremely low on the variable counts. In addition; it depends on the writer.
Some of the , I hesitate to say poorer, writers can speed you through several pages with a low word count whereas some of the more detailed writers could force through a lower page count but have immense amount of text, detail and so on (alternatively a poor detailed writer could have a lot of waffle! Like me at times!)
Long story short, you need to work out the type of project you as an author have undertaken (and don’t let the customers/fans tell you what you’ve written, its your baby!) and apply what you think is the correct page/variable/word count to that story. Some pages will need work, others won’t, but don’t feel stuck to statistics to consider the ‘complexity’ of a game or project. My work for example, has two chapters that are so wildly different that if you based your opinion off my first chapter you’d think it was a very simple game, yet the second chapter would point in the other direction.