Slammed! Beta-Testing

I need five people to beta-test Slammed!

If you know something about professional wrestling, please jump to the front of the line.

All the normal rules apply.

I worked in professional wrestling as a manager and occasionally as a booker for a year and a half in college. I’ve also been watching wrestling since 1991, so I feel I could be about as good a beta tester as you can get.

Do we send you any errors we find or the author? Also whats his email.

To the author: paolo DOT chikiamco AT gmail DOT com

I don’t have much experience in wrestling but I do have some & would like to beta test.

Been watching televised wrestling programs since '06 and would love to be a part of this!

My cousin is a Diva in WWE so I have a good understanding of wrestling.

Might be late to the party here, but I’ve been watching wrestling since the Attitude era, and I’m blind. I mention that not to play the disability card, but because blindness makes my perspective on wrestling unique. It’s all audio and imagination, so I really get into the spectacle of it all. Would love to see if this gamebook can bring matches to life in my head.

@superblindman you should send me an email to get on the beta, then.

Am I a beta tester? @jasonstevenhill

Email. Do people not read? Email the address said earlier, and you just might get to beta test. Definitely wont happen if you don’t follow instructions. Sorry for being mean about it, but I’ve had a long night.

@Patch101 Actually we are supposed to contact @Jasonstevenhill to beta test not the author, that address is for emailing errors/typos to the author.


Patch does kind of have a point. In the “new to the CoG forum read this first” it says if you want to beta test contact Jason (he gives his email address). Patch probably didn’t read the earlier posts and assumed Jason left his email in one of them, which he normally does.