I am having troubles with setting up the pronouns for my MC.
Right now the code looks like this
*choice #like him, a man.
*set pro1 “he”
*set pro2 “his”
*set pro3 “him” #unlike him, a woman
*set pro1 “she”
*set pro2 “her”
*set pro3 “her” #unlike him, neither man nor woman
*set pro1 “they”
*set pro2 “their”
*set pro3 “them”
(I will add the *goto command later)
So suppose someone chose option 3 and my text is : ${pro1} is so awesome.
Then the result would be : they is so awesome.
The grammar is wrong and the first letter is not capitalized. Is there a better command or way to do this?
My code is this: $!{pro1} @{plur are|is}
And its execution comes out like this
They @{plur are|is}
The variable plur is set to true so it should print
They are.
Does this version of CSIDE use a different command for multireplace or am I using it wrong?
I also used variations of this command such as
@{plur are | is}
@{plurare|is} (CSIDE should have given me an illegal character error but it didn’t)
@ {plur are|is}
None of them worked. I change the plur to 1 and 2 but nothing happened.