September 2023 Writer Support Thread

Well, the end of last week got ahead of my writing… so here is a “start of the third week update”:

My goal is to finish this change in chapter 3a, 3b and 3c for the week (three branches of the same chapter).

@AChubbyBlackCat – It is good to see you, once again. I hope your creative energy continues to grow.

As @HarrisPS says: This thread is here to help writers of at all levels of their writing journey. That means there are multiple paths (sort of like in IF itself) to achieving the end goal, which, like the journey is different for each of us.

The commonalities, like plagiarism, is something we can look at and try to understand within the perspective of our writing, but when it comes down to writing, no singular “way” of writing is the “correct” way for everyone.

@Kelly_Seastar – Here is a thread that should help you:

@Niki_Christopherson, here is my original post :

Keep up the good work, @poison_mara … you have the tenacity and the gumption … keep it up.

Let this third week be a productive and creative week for everyone.